Good dream

Standing outside of the pink door, Taehee knocked on it softly. Receiving no words from inside after a minute, Taehee decided to open the door.

Turning the knob, Taehee walked into the room, and held in her hand was a tray. On the tray was a plate with a cake slice on top of it and a glass of orange juice.

"Sorry for being so late, Jinhee-ah. There were some important matters which—"

Noticing that Jinhee had fallen asleep, Taehee closed the door slowly behind her whilst trying her best to not make a sound. 

Walking towards the bed, Taehee placed the tray on the nightstand, and then, unfolding the blanket, Taehee placed it upon Jinhee.

Getting up on the bed, Taehee took one of the pillows, and raised Jinhee's head up to place the pillow beneath it.

After that, Taehee sat down on the bed beside Jinhee and stared at her sleeping face with a slight smile on her face.

"You are looking peaceful. Are you having a good dream?" Taehee mumbled.