Bipolar disorder

Letting out a groan, Lee Jinhee opened her eyes. The dream she was having was interrupted by the loud noise.

Gradually adjusting to the light, Jinhee turned her head towards the direction of the sound, and creases appeared between her two eyebrows, mirroring the annoyance she felt.

A mischievous grin sat on Han Taehee's face whilst a blow tickler was held in her hand. The grin grew wider when she noticed Jinhee's irritated expression.

"You woke up finally, Jinhee-ah!" Taehee exclaimed.

"You're too loud," Jinhee voiced out, and an irked expression sat on her face.

Where was the graceful and gentle Taehee that she had once idolized? She wanted to ask this question to the one who knew the accurate answer to this.

The Taehee in front of her was absolutely irritating and embarrassing. Jinhee was pretty sure that if Taehee was like this in her previous life, she wouldn't have idolized her.