Shaved Ice

Watching the room before her, Lee Jinhee was stunned, and her mouth let out a soft gasp on how beautiful the room was.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Taehee voiced out as she leaned against the door.

Lee Jinhee just nodded.

On the top floor of the Han Mansion was the large swimming pool. Three white crystal chandelier hung above the aqua blue water.

A glass door was placed at one side of the room, and the night sky could be seen from it. It appeared that a balcony was connected with the glass door.

The floor beneath her was in a shade of light blue, and flower vases was placed at each corner of the room. Chairs were placed at one side of the room, and a glass table was placed in between of them.

Everything inside the room looked luxurious and expensive, and Jinhee had a hard time taking her attention from the scene. After all, like many, she enjoyed beautiful things.