Lame excuse

'What a lame excuse!'

Han Taehyun let out a chuckle and said, "You don't need to seem anxious and awkward about it. You can touch my hair whenever you want to. After all, I don't mind and actually like it."

Lee Jinhee sat down on the bed properly and expressed, "I don't need to do it again."

"So, what is your judgement regarding my hair?" Han Taehyun questioned whilst he arched his eyebrows.

Sitting down on the bed beside Lee Jinhee, Han Taehyun made sure to keep an appropriate distance between the both of them. 

Facing Han Taehyun, Jinhee voiced out, "Your hair seems alright. However, the texture is rough, and it appears that you either don't own a comb or don't know how to brush your hair."

Raising his hand, Han Taehyun pushed his hair back, and as he removed his hand, strands of hair fell upon his forehead again. A mischievous smile sat upon his face.

Han Taehyun winked.