Married Couple

Tears continued to fall down her eyes whilst Lee Jinhee stared at the television before her. The movie she was currently watching was absolutely sad, and watching her favorite characters die one after another pitifully made it hard for her to hold in her tears.

'Bus to Daegu' was an extremely popular movie that came out this year, and the tragedies that took place in the movie was able to make most tear up. Although Lee Jinhee tried to hold in her tears, she remained unsuccessful in the end.

Lee Jinhee sobbed.

"That kid! He just passed away just like that. This is just too unfair."

More tears fell down her eyes as the scene in front of her unfolded, and Han Taehyun handed her another piece of tissue. A bored expression sat on Han Taehyun's face whilst he watched the screen in front of her.