Fresh Air

Being able to feel Han Taehyun's breath on her face, Lee Jinhee noticed that it smelled fresh, and the scent was somewhat minty. Realizing that male was so close to her, Lee Jinhee's face turned red once again. 

In the midst of nervousness, Lee Jinhee tried to move back. However, due to clumsiness, Lee Jinhee was about to fall back when Han Taehyun held her by her back in order to prevent her from touching the ground.

Lee Jinhee's stared at Han Taehyun's face, and her heart started to beat faster. The realization that Han Taehyun was actually a male and both of them were alone at the large Han Mansion dawned upon her.

Her eyes went towards his lips, and looking at his thin, light red lips, Lee Jinhee felt her throat go dry. In order to block his appearance from her view, she immediately closed her eyes.