Hot chocolate

Sitting on the bench beside the lake, Lee Jinhee stared at the water. Han Taehyun sat beside her, and not a ounce of courage was within Lee Jinhee to face him. His confession from earlier was vivid in Lee Jinhee's mind and kept on repeating inside of her mind.

"You've worn so little cloth. You're going to catch a cold," Han Taehyun spoke out.

Looking down at her leggings and t-shirt, Lee Jinhee realized that she would have worn something more. Nonetheless, with her mind jumbled over Han Taehyun's confession, the cold did not bother her much. Lee Jinhee wanted to feel more cold so that her mind be off of Han Taehyun.

Jinhee nodded.

Her hand, which was placed on her lap, was held by Han Taehyun, and he spoke out, "Heol! Your hands are freezing. You're seriously going to be sick."

Removing his coat, Han Taehyun was about to put it on Lee Jinhee when she tugged on the coat to stop him. She did not want him to be so kind and caring towards her.