Too much

Looking at the antiseptic liquid in Han Taehyun's hand, Lee Jinhee almost felt a chill go down her back. Learning from Han Taehyun on how the antiseptic burns even though it was very much effective, Lee Jinhee prayed that she wouldn't fall victim to this antiseptic.

Lee Jinkyung sat on the tiled floor whilst her body leaned against the wall. Blood flowed down her elbows, nose, and knees whilst she was unconscious. Nonetheless, Lee Jinhee could not bring herself to feel pity for the female in front of her.

Han Taehyun and Jinhee did not bother to wake the girl up or put her on a couch. Although Lee Jinhee found her actions being cruel, she did not care about. Lee Jinkyung was responsible for so many lives in her last life, and although Jinkyung did not do anything in this life of hers, she could not be considered innocent.