
After an hour of torture, Lee Jinkyung was not able to talk any longer for it hurt her throat everytime she did, and her body was all bandaged up. Jinkyung noticed that Jinhee had become more fluent and smart with her words.

After Jinkyung was all fixed up, she had to walk to the couch by herself with her injured leg because Taehee went to prepare food for her and Jinhee herself had to walk with crutches. Never in life did Jinkyung face something so humiliating or painful.

Deep inside, Jinkyung vowed to let Jinkyung face something like this one day, and that day it will be Jinkyung who'll be the one in joy. Sitting down on the couch, Jinkyung let out a breath of relief.

Jinhee went to the kitchen in order to accompany Taehyun for she did not want to stay with Jinkyung in the same room. Pulling out a chair in the kitchen, Jinhee sat down on it and watched as Han Taehyun prepared the lemonade for Jinkyung.