Happy future

"Lee Jinhee, mind your manners. I have no time here for jokes," Jinkyung said. Her tone mirrored how angry she felt, and her eyes glared at Lee Jinhee.

An amused expression sat on Lee Jinhee's face, and, wearing a wide smile on her face, Jinhee asked, "Then, why are you sitting in front of me looking like a joke?"

"Yah! Lee Jinhee, I came here on serious matters," Jinkyung said.

"Really? That's interesting," Jinhee spoke out, "Get started then. You see, I have sleep to catch up on which I have missed because of your arrival here."

Jinhee let out a yawn.

"Jinhee, everyone is not as leisurely as you," Jinkyung stated, "Matters are serious at home. Dad and Mom are both worried sick about you. Instead of fooling around, can't you pay them a visit? How much ill-mannered can you be?"