Being unfair

Lee Jinkyung scoffed.

"Jinhee, this is being unfair. Just because he has feelings for you, doesn't mean that you can use them," Jinkyung spoke out as her eyes glowered at Lee Jinhee.

"Is caring for a friend wrong? I don't want my closest friend to end up with a bitch. Is there anything wrong with that?" Lee Jinhee raised one of her eyebrows.

"Yah! Lee Jinhee, whom are you calling a bitch? You're the one who should be called that due to your current behavior. Not only are you threatening me, you're also denying to meet our parents who are worried sick for you," Jinkyung said.

Jinhee leaned back against the couch, and a smirk sat upon her face.

"Alright then, I'll give you two option then. Either I'll tell Kim Jaehyun about true behaviour or…"

Bending her back, Jinhee leaned closer to the table, and staring straight at Jinkyung with an amused look in her eyes, Jinhee continued, "You confess to Jaehyun on how you love him."