Was locked

"What do you mean?" The Principal questioned— his voice clearly showing how angry he was at this moment.

Kim Hyojoo stood up straight and said, "On Monday, I was really tired, so Student Jieun approached me and said that she'll be helping me out by locking the library when everyone leaves so that I can go back home early. I agreed to her request and left for home. What happened after that is not something I am clear about."

The Principal slammed his hand down on the table, creating a loud noise, and Kim Hyojoo jumped back. She could easily see how angry the Principal was and knew very well that things did not go well when the Principal was angry.

Kim Hyojoo gulped nervously.

Standing up, the Principal directed a fierce stare towards Hyojoo, and noticing that, Hyojoo shuddered. Lee Aera watched the entire scene unfold whilst wearing a nonchalant expression, and Jinhee's lips curved up— interested in seeing how the Principal will be dealing with this.