Intimate friend

Hearing that Jieun began to feel more frightened. Han Taehee did not say about any such matter to her, and once she gets caught lying, everything will be ruined for her.

That's when an idea hit Im Jieun, and she spoke out, "Wouldn't that be unfair? Han Taehee is a really intimate friend of yours, and one can easily see that she will be siding with you."

Lee Jinhee faced the Principal and asked, "Principal, would you doubt Han Taehee's words?"

Expressing his suspicion towards Han Taehee's words was not something the Principal could afford. He very well knew the family Han Taehee belonged to, and with a word from the Han family, his entire career can be destroyed.

The Principal coughed.

"There is no need to call Han Taehee here. I will be checking the CCTV footage and then decide the perfect punishment for Student Im Jieun," The Principal said.