Delicious lunch

Lee Jinhee tilted her head to look at Han Taehyun and voiced out, "Don't you have a delicious lunch to enjoy?"

Jinhee raised one of her eyebrows.

Han Taehyun's lips curved up to a mischievous smile as he spoke out, "Ah! Now, I see what this is about. You want to eat the lunch as well!"

Rubbing the top of Lee Jinhee's head, Taehyun voiced out, "Come and sit down. I'll give you food from me."

Lee Jinhee scoffed and said, "Aren't you misunderstanding something, Taehee? I didn't ask from food for you."

Han Taehyun clapped both of his hands together and expressed, "See! It's that expression on your face which shows that you're angry but trying to hold it in within you."

"Yes, I'm angry but—"

Interrupting Lee Jinhee's sentence, Taehyun said, "Because you thought I'll be giving you food and now I am not?"

Lee Jinhee let out a frustrated sigh and spoke, "No, that's not it. It's because—"