Stir up

Looking at the teacher, Lee Jinhee tried to not pay attention to all eyes that were watching. Everyone seemed to be curious on what happened in the Principal's office and why was not Im Jieun not back until now.

Biting on the end of her pen, Lee Jinhee tried to be one-minded towards the lessons. However, the stares from the other students were very much distracting to Lee Jinhee.

Unable to hold it in, Lee Jinhee gave all of them a glance, which caused for them to look back into their notebooks. Lee Jinhee let out a sigh; It was better this way.

"Wow! Lee Jinhee, you're becoming more popular than me," Han Taehyun whispered into her ear.

Gritting her teeth, Jinhee said, "If you want this type of popularity, I'll gladly give it to you."

Han Taehyun laughed, and when the Teacher stared at his direction, Han Taehyun started to cough. The Teacher turned to teach the lessons.