Always cool

"Wow! Lee Jinhee, you're really cool today!" Han Taehyun commented as their driving started driving.

Lee Jinhee flipped her hair dramatically and said, "What's new about that? I am always cool."

Han Taehyun began to laugh, and seeing that, Lee Jinhee let out a chuckle. She too felt extremely satisfied after today's event. Kwon Youngmi could not possibly hate her more after today's actions since she already hated Jinhee to the maximum from before. 

Her actions today could make Youngmi angry, and when people get very much angry, they tend to act rashly. This was what Lee Jinhee needed— for Youngmi to act rashly so that Jinhee could destroy her completely.

"What did the poor New Student do to make you bully her like this?" Han Taehyun asked.

Lee Jinhee shrugged her shoulders and voiced out, "I am not sure. Maybe I don't like how cute she looks."