Too hot

Han Taehyun coughed and said, "That is because it was too hot that day, and I thought you would be feeling hot. That's why, I splashed you with water, but you did not prefer my good intentions. Therefore, you stood up, and this caused for both of us to fall into the water."

Lee Jinhee scoffed.

"Now, you're blaming it on me, Han Taehyun!? You're being actually unbelievable!" Jinhee exclaimed.

"Jinhee-ah, I think you need to work on that temper of yours. It's getting worse as time passes by," Han Taehyun expressed.

"My temper is absolutely fine. It is you who turns it on to the maximum," Jinhee said, "As long as you avoid me, my temper will be to the minimum."

"I make you angry more than that Jinkyung, Jieun, and now, Youngmi?" Han Taehyun questioned— a smile forming on his face.

"Of course, you do! Those people are not even worth my anger whilst you, on the other hand, are infuriating!" Jinhee pointed out.