Write better

The classes for today were over, and Jinhee was packing her bag when someone walked towards her direction. Raising her head, Jinhee saw Kwon Youngmi standing beside her whilst holding on to Jinhee's notebooks.

Accepting the notebooks from Youngmi's hand using her left hand, Lee Jinhee placed them in her table and flipped through the pages. She was somewhat surprised when she saw everything was written neatly and in an organized manner.

"Write better next time," Jinhee spoke out as she looked at Kwon Youngmi. Nonchalance sat upon her face.

Her words attracted the attention of her fellow classmates, and many of them stared at Jinhee in displeasure. Nonetheless, she did not mind about it. Her classmates hated her in the first place after all.

"Sorry," Youngmi said, "From next time, I will really write nicely."

Lee Jinhee said, "Kwon Youngmi, are you really going against my words? Didn't I say that you can not apologise to me?"