A minute

Without Han Taehyun sitting beside her, it felt quite weird to Lee Jinhee. The exams were already over, and normal classes will be head. Lee Jinhee's mind was somewhat plagued about what could possibly happen at the party tonight, and being the center of attention in midst so many people was nerve-wracking to Lee Jinhee.

As Jinhee's feet was almost healed, Lee Jinhee came to the school without her crutches, and as for her wrist, it seemed that it will be needing few more days. Laying her head down on table, Jinhee listened to the teacher explain. At this moment, she had no mood for it.

As the teacher looked towards the board, Min Hyunbin turned back and whispered, "Why isn't that Taehee here today?"

Lee Jinhee shrugged her shoulders and said, "No idea." 

"Aren't you both super close to each other? How do you even not know that?" Hyunbin questioned while staring at Lee Jinhee with disapproval.