Invitation card

After getting scolded for an entire period, both of them were finally permitted to go to the classroom. The two of them were assigned to clean the classroom after everyone left for a week, and if they had any problems against it, they could call their parents to school.

Stepping into the classroom, Jinhee and Hyunbin sat down upon their seats. Their teacher for this class was running late. Remembering about something, Jinhee opened her bag and searched for something.

After finding what she was searching for, Jinhee took it out, and it was two invitation cards. Turning back, Jinhee smiled at Ahn Chaewon and placed down the invitation card on her table.

"What is this, Jinhee?" Chaewon questioned.

"Invitation card for a party at the Han Mansion. Please be there, and I will get someone to pick you," Jinhee said.

"Sure," Chaewon voiced out whilst picking up the invitation card from the table and smiling back at Jinhee.