Sound troublesome

The party was over, and the guests were all leaving. Throughout the entire party, those who Jinhee did not know approached her and made all types of request to her. Jinhee considered that to be extremely awkward and accepted all of their requests with a smile on her face.

Min Hyunbin searched for opportunities to create trouble for Jinhee all throughout the party while Ahn Chaewon stayed at one corner. In the end, the day ended well for Jinhee without much hurdles in her way.

As Lee Jinhee stood beside the staircase with Han Taeho, she looked at the floor and asked, "So, did Lee Jinkyung get convinced?"

"Some sweet words were enough to make her believe me," Taeho voiced out.

"Either Jinkyung is pretending or she has a lot of trust within you," Jinhee commented.

"It is not Jinkyung, but the one who is controlling Jinkyung. It is the one who has this much trust within me," Taeho stated.

"Do you have any leads on who it could be?" Jinhee asked.