Stay over

After Ahn Chaewon placed down two glasses of juice on top of the table, Chaewon sat on the couch opposite to Jinhee and Soyeon.

"I will call Grandfather Dowon and see if he can do anything about it," Lee Jinhee voiced out before she took out her phone.

Ahn Chaewon stared at Jinhee with anticipation. With a slight smile towards Chaewon, Jinhee switched her phone on and made a call at Lee Dowon's number. However, the call did not go through.

"Oh yeah! Grandfather Dowon must be on the plane," Jinhee voiced out.

Staring at her contact list, Lee Jinhee swiped against it, trying to find someone she could ask for help. When Jinhee saw a name, her fingers halted.

Looking at Chaewon, Jinhee asked, "Did you inform Kim Jaehyun about it?"

Ahn Chaewon shook her head and voiced out, "You're the only one I told about this."

"I wouldn't be able to help, but Jaehyun would be able to do so," Jinhee voiced out before clicking on Jaehyun's number.