Admit defeat

Han Taehyun's words caused Jinhee's cheeks to turn into a shade of red, and in order to get away from him, Jinhee stepped onto his foot harshly. Han Taehyun winced in pain and loosened his grip on Lee Jinhee. Smiling smugly, Jinhee instantly moved away from Han Taehyun and then glared at him.

"Wow! Lee Jinhee, your strength keeps on increasing. What do you eat?" Taehyun questioned.

"Instead of me getting stronger, could it be that you're becoming weaker?" Jinhee asked— raising one of her eyebrows.

Han Taehyun laughed and pinched Jinhee's nose. As always, Lee Jinhee scrunched up her nose and stared at Taehyun blankly.

"Alright, I will admit defeat this time. Where were you though so late at night though?" Taehyun vocalised.

"With Chaewon," Jinhee answered, "Her landlord wanted for her to move out of her apartment, so I went there to help her. In the end, I had to contact Jaehyun, and he was the one who did everything."