Be good

Lee Jinhee's words made Han Taehyun stand up straight and hold onto her shoulders, Taehyun looked into her eyes. Jinhee could see the anger and disappointment within his eyes. She did not understand why Taehyun was showing such emotions. Did she do anything wrong?

"Lee Jinhee, do you still not understand what you mean to me? Are you really that oblivious to everything? Yes, my world does revolve around you, and without you, it would cease to exist. I don't know how many times I have to explain the same thing to you. To me, you're the most important; You're my obsession," Taehyun expressed— his voice showing how genuine he was being.

Han Taehyun's words caused Jinhee's cheeks to gradually turn red, and mustering up her courage, Jinhee questioned, "Then why did you ignore me earlier today? Why did you not annoy me today?"

Whilst staring at the ground Jinhee mumbled, "You even made new friends whom you are really happy with."