In no mood

After the pleasant dinner at Hyunbin's house, Jinhee returned to Han Mansion. During the entire time, Jinhee bonded well with her real father and Min Sooah. Although Hyunbin was irritating and tried to create troubles for her, Jinhee did not mind it much. At the end, Jinhee was reluctant to leave.

Stepping into her bedroom, Lee Jinhee yawned. She was too sleepy tonight, and luckily for her, it was a Friday. Therefore, she could sleep until late as there was no school to wake up early for.

As Jinhee sat down on her bed, the door to her room opened, and Han Taehyun walked into the bedroom. Taehyun held a packet of snacks and a laptop in his hand.

With his leg, Han Taehyun closed the door with a kick and then, he made his way towards Lee Jinhee. Placing down the snacks and laptop on the bed, Taehyun clapped both of his hands together.

"Let's watch a movie together," Taehyun vocalised.

"I am sleepy and in no mood for a movie," Lee Jinhee declared.