Harsh of you

After the hearty breakfast, Lee Jinhee took a light nap, and after that, she decided to visit Ahn Chaewon. Her wrist was starting to get better, and she could pick up things with it. As clingy as Han Taehyun was, he decided to follow after Jinhee.

Despite Jinhee's words of protest, she was happy to have Taehyun come with her. Shin Soyeon came along as well, and the three of them headed towards the apartment hired for them by Jaehyun.

Sitting in the car beside Han Taehyun, Jinhee stared at the bright sky outside, and a sigh left her mouth. Negative thoughts were invading her mind once again and Jinhee had no idea on how to drive them away.

Turning towards Taehyun, a smile formed on Jinhee's face. Although Taehyun was annoying, he played his part as a distraction very well and at this moment, Jinhee needed that.

"Taehee, don't you have something else to do on weekends?" Lee Jinhee questioned in an attempt to start a conversation.