Warmth spread

Jinhee glanced at the boy's nose, and after realizing that Hyunbin's words were indeed true, she had the urge to start laughing. Nevertheless, she managed to control herself and did not laugh.

"What are you now, Min Hyunbin? A loser who can be controlled by a weak girl? You have turned really weak these days," The boy voiced out, trying to provoke Min Hyunbin.

Aggression grew with Hyunbin after hearing those words, and he was ready to punch the boy in front of her. Seeing how Hyunbin was about to hut the boy with his other hand, which wasn't held by Jinhee, she shot a glare towards the boy.

"Yah! Min Hyunbin, I don't know whether or not you are strong; However, I do know that punching him will you make you a fool— a bloody fool," Jinhee voiced out sternly.

Jinhee's words made Min Hyunbin stop with his attack, and looking towards her intensely, he vocalised, "What did you just say!?"