Resolved this matter

After searching around the entire school building, Jinhee hadn't found Min Hyunbin yet, and currently it was the time for lunch. Rooftop is the only place Jinhee hadn't searched at yet.

Walking over to the door of the roof, Jinhee turned the knob and pushed the door open. Behind her was Shin Soyeon, and as Taehyun was called by a teacher, he couldn't follow her.

Noticing that Min Hyunbin was laying down on the ground, a small smile spread across Jinhee's face. She was relieved to see that Hyunbin hadn't done anything dangerous.

With his hands on his forehead, Hyunbin stared at the clouds swimming across the sky. The sunlight peeked through the clouds, and the air around them was quite warm.

Rushing over to Hyunbin, Jinhee had worry filling her at what happened, and sitting down beside him, she vocalised, "What had happened, Hyunbin-ah?"

Finally deciding to acknowledge Jinhee's presence, Hyunbin turned to look towards her and shrugged his shoulders.