As soft as

After taking a short shower, Jinhee had a towel around her shoulder, and her phone began ringing up at that moment. 

Han Taehyun had gone outside to bring some midnight snacks as she was planning to pull on an all-nighter, and without snacks, Jinhee wouldn't be able to make through the night.

Going over to her bed, Jinhee picked up her phone, and as she did, she read Sooah, Hyunbin's mother, on the screen.

Jinhee had a clear idea on what she calling. After all, it was understandable that as Hyunbin's parents, both her and Yoojoon would worry on this matter.

Receiving the call, she placed the phone beside her ear as she sat back on the bed. Whilst wiping her hair, using the towel, with one of her hand, she held on to the phone with the other.

"Hello, Sooah Ahjumma," Jinhee voiced out.

"Oh! Jinhee-ah, hello! About what happened with Hyunbin, uhm, I don't know how to say it," Sooah started— nervousness noticeable in her voice.