Wake up

Lee Jinhee was reluctant to raise her head up from.the study table and wake up. Both of them stayed up studying until four in the morning, and if it wasn't for the fact that she had exams, Jinhee wouldn't have gotten up with barely two hours of sleep.

Yawning, Jinhee had stretched her arms whilst she pushed her chair back. Standing up, Jinhee wiped the corner of her eyes to remove the tears that welled up.

Contrary to her, Han Taehyun appeared to look better in the morning, and he was already dressed in his uniform. How was Taehyun so active despite sleeping way less than her?

"I was right when I said it yesterday; You're really weird," Jinhee vocalised as she yawned again. It would be considered a miracle if she doesn't fall asleep on her exam paper today.