Psychopath's den

Han Taehyun stared upon Lee Jinhee in front of as she received the call from Yejoon. He could clearly see the excitement upon her face, and having an idea on how she must have felt, he genuinely was happy for her.

Now that he was given another chance to start over with Lee Jinhee, he was willing to give her the happiness she deserved yet did not get in his previous life.

In his last life, he remained unsuccessful about it, and in the end, what was the result of all of it was her death. He wasn't going to let her die this time around that easily.

He will be holding on to her life tightly, and although he still hasn't managed to eradicate all the big dangers from her life, he was very close to doing so.

Kwon Youngmi would be destroyed very soon, and even though Taehyun could get rid of her in a day or two, he was well aware that his Jinhee would want to torture her.