Giving chance

An overwhelming feeling went through Jinhee's heart as Han Taehyun placed his lips on top of hers. Rabble of butterflies fluttered within her stomach as she found herself being consumed in the kiss.

Jinhee did not find herself being reluctant to it, and extending her hands toward him, she wrapped it around him, pulling him into a deeper kiss.

Keeping her eyes closed, Lee Jinhee relished the taste whilst she could hear both of their heartbeats distinctly, and this was enough to let her be confirmed on her feelings.

Although she was unsure of it in the beginning, she now knew it very well. The feelings she had for him were more than that she had for Jaehyun, and pulling away from the kiss, she stared at Han Taehyun with resolute eyes.

She then confessed, "I love you, Han Taehyun, so please don't let me be hurt by love like the last time."