Lean upon

Opening her eyes, Lee Jinhee was met with the sight of Han Taehyun sleeping beside her, and a small smile spread upon her face at that.

A peaceful expression sat upon his face, and Soohyun found her hand being extended towards him. His wig remained upon his hand, and using her hand, Soohyun pushed away the bangs from his forehead.

Taking in his mesmerising features, Jinhee thought that she will be forever able to keep watching Taehyun sleep. Her eyes began to take in the smallest features of his face.

At that moment, Han Taehyun's yawned and he was about to open his eyes. That alarmed Jinhee, and she immediately shut close her eyes.

A chuckle left Taehyun's mouth as he completely opened his eyes, and an amused expression crossed over them. This left Jinhee wondering on about what was it that made him laugh.

"Stop pretending, Jinhee-ah; I know that you are not sleeping," Han Taehyun commented.