Quite short

Lee Jinhee decided to head directly to school after hospital, and due to having so many people visit her, her stay in the hospital felt quite short this time around.

Walking into the school building, whispers reached Jinhee's ears, and this time all the negative part was towards Jinkyung and Minjoon. There were few who glanced at Jinhee.

Nevertheless, Jinhee remained unfazed by it as she walked into her classroom. A part of her was ecstatic. She was curious on seeing what type of move will Jinkyung be making on her next.

Surely, Jinkyung found herself being infuriated by it, and in order for revenge, there is a huge extent Jinkyung could go to. Jinhee needed to start brewing ideas on how to trap Jinkyung.

Kwon Youngmi was another one of her worries as well. However, since Jaehyun was currently here, Jinhee was aware that jealousy would easily ruin her.