Eaten enough

The mention of Han Taehyun death was enough to cause her to lose her control over her anger. After she had been hearing all the time on how Taehyun showed to progress, Haeun's words were enough to aggravate her.

While she leaned her back against the headboard, Jinhee noticed that Min Hyunbin was seated beside her on the chair, and it surprised her. She did not expect for him to be beside her.

"Hyunbin," she enunciated, "What had happened?"

"What else? You fought with that Haeun, and when the teacher came, you lost your consciousness. The principal viewed the CCTV recording, and based on that, you will be suspended from school for two weeks," Hyunbin vocalised.

Suspension did not sound bad to Jinhee. She wanted to take a break from the school, and this seemed like the best way to do so. With her current state of mind, it would be for her best it she took break from school.