Going out

"No, Jinhee, I can do that. After all, I am Min Hyunbin, and that's why, if you want to meet him, make sure to have your meals properly," Hyunbin vocalised.

Lee Jinhee knew that Hyunbin was saying this words for her own good. Nonetheless, she could find herself growing aggravated. The thought of not seeing Taehyun was enough to make her feel in this way.

"I will be meeting him! You can't stop me from doing so, Min Hyunbin," Jinhee vocalised as her eyes glared at Hyunbin.

Shrugging his shoulders, Hyunbin said, "That anger will do you no benefit, and you can meet him but only after you finish everything before you, Jinhee. 

Do you want him to wake up to only see that you are the one who is dead? Think properly, Lee Jinhee, and maintain your sanity. You are acting as if Han Taehyun is dead when he is clearly alive."

Looking down at the table, Jinhee became silent; she had no retort to those words of Min Hyunbin.