Get off

Confronting Lee Jinkyung was not something Jinhee was looking forward to as she walked through the hallway of the hospital. 

During this entire time, Jinhee tried to avoid Jinkyung as much as possible, afraid that she will be losing control over her anger and do something she will be regretting.

Lee Jinhee did not have the best control over her anger, and earlier, she had shouted at Hyunbin for trying to control what she ate. 

Although he had completely postive intentions towards her and was simply worried, Jinhee was not in her right mind, and she felt as if she was close to losing her sanity.

Sooner or later, at this rate, they might end up taking her to a psychologist, and although Jinhee would not want to admit it, maybe she required one with her current state.

As Jinhee was about to walk past the girl before her, Jinkyung had other thoughts inside her mind and before Lee Jinhee would go away, Jinkyung grabbed her wrist to pull away.