Chapter 2 Part 5

Issei continued to tug roughly at the chain connecting her nipples and clit together and Akeno came yet again, a more explosive orgasm than the string of the things that had been happening before that. Her eyes rolled back in her head and this time she couldn't quite gather herself back up, her mind as frazzled, dazed, and slowly becoming as glazed over as Kiba and Koneko were at the moment.

Her pussy walls clenched down rhythmically around Issei's huge thrusting member and she moaned out, but it was weaker. Her eyelids fluttered shut as exhaustion began to take her down, but right before Akeno passed out like the others, she felt it, felt Issei's release. The draconic young man came hard inside of her, filling her womb with his cum and painting her insides with his white hot seed just like the others.

In the end, Akeno looked like quite the whorish mess, sprawled on the floor and breathing slowly as Issei pulled out of her and stood up, smirking down at his handy work and breathing just a bit hard from the exertion. Then he turned to Rias and the red head licked her lips, staring hungrily at his cock. But Issei wasn't looking at her out of lust. He could have her or any of them any time he wanted. But instead, he was looking at her red pubes, the carefully groomed bush above Rias' cunt.

Another idea was percolating in Issei's head and he grinned as he stepped towards the couch rather than towards Rias. She stayed where she was and watched him as he sat down, only moving to join him when he patted the cushion beside him. Once she was sitting beside Issei, the young man reached over and pulled her close before reaching down and spreading her legs apart. His fingers ghosted over her pussy for a second, but then went above it and her clit to where her trimmed bush lay.

Rias watched as he ran his fingers through the crimson hair, breathing hard, her bountiful breasts heaving up and down with each gasp of air. Then her eyes widened as Issei got to work, using his inner power to shape her bush in the way he wanted. Her pubic hair was trimmed down further, into the shape Issei had in his mind's eye. When it was over, both of them looked upon his handy work, a red dragon's head now the only thing left of Rias' pubic hair.

The Gremory Heiress continued to stare at the piece of art Issei had made out of her bush, even as his fingers ghosted down from it and into her slit. Issei leaned in as he fingered her, his hot breath ghosting across her ear as he spoke to her quietly.

"Rias. I want you to use that as a template, alright? I want you to shave that into each of your servant's pubic hair to signify my ownership over you and your peerage. You'll do that for me won't you? You'll wear my mark with pride and bear your submission to me on your body, won't you?"

The red head nodded slowly, turning to look at him with eyes filled with devotion and awe.

"I will. I will Master, I swear it."

Issei grinned and continued to finger her until she came around his digits. Then, Rias climbed up into his lap and happily impaled herself on his cock, riding him as he sucked and played with her tits until she got her next helping of white hot cum in her needy womb as well. Issei made sure not to break her mind, even temporarily, like he had with her peerage. Instead, he let her choose the pace and though Rias was well-fucked and in a state of floating bliss by the time Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko were up and moving around, she was still more than coherent enough to remember her appointed task.

The Gremory Heiress had her faithful servants line up before him, naked and blushing as she knelt before each of them and went to work on their own pubes. Issei watched as she worked, enjoying the way the other girls shivered and moaned as their King, their Buchou, marked them as his property. Ultimately, all four women had the dragon's head shaved into their pubic hair, though of course Rias' was the only one that was red. Issei grinned, staring at the red, black, blonde, and silver dragon's looking back at him as the bodies they rested upon stood absolutely stock still, awaiting his next orders.

Leaning back on the couch, Issei thought about it. What WERE his next orders? Well, the immediate bits were rather obvious. He cleared his throat and patted the back of the couch meaningfully. The four girls moved to join him as they realized what he wanted. Akeno knelt between his legs and began to lick at his balls while Koneko curled into his lap, her small form resting perfectly between his chest and his massive cock. Kiba and Rias took up positions on either side of him with Rias at his 'right hand' so to speak and together with Koneko, the two stroked his cock as they begged him for kisses, which he graciously gave one after the other.

Surrounded by beautiful women, Issei Hyoudou had his harem. But this Issei's end goal was not just a harem. The harem, for this Issei, was merely a stepping stone to his ultimate goal. Issei wanted power. He wanted respect. He wanted to rule over many, with dozens of women at his side. Before truly unlocking his inner power, Issei had wanted to be a King. Now that he knew who he truly was, now that he knew everything, Issei wanted even more than that.

Issei was going to make the Red Dragon Emperor more than just a title. A true Emperor needed subjects, land, an actual Empire to rule over. The young man would have it; he would have all of it. It started here, in this school, all the human girls he'd made his and now these devils as well. The student council would have to fall under his sway eventually as well, but were they his next targets or could he save them for later?

Licking his lips, Issei gave Rias a long kiss and then turned to give Kiba an equally long kiss, even as Koneko peppered the tip of his huge cock with her own kisses and Akeno lapped at his nut sack. The worlds lay before him and if Issei had his way, he would conquer and crush it all beneath his heel.