Chapter 3 Part 1

Sona Sitri was fed up. More than that, she was completely and utterly done pandering to this crap. Walking down the hall at a clipped pace with a stormy look across her face, Kuoh Academy's Student Council President was exuding an aura that told those around her not to fuck with her today. Even the normal human students could sense it, giving the beautiful short haired young woman a wide berth as she fast walked down the hall with her Queen.

Tsubaki Shinra kept up rather easily with her King's fast pace, but rather than anger like what could be found on Sona's face, Tsubaki was worried. She was worried for the Student Council President she called her friend and she was worried about what was about to happen. Even of if Sona wouldn't admit it, they'd both had a bit of a reaction to the young man that her King was currently making a beeline for.

Still, Sona certainly didn't hold the same concern that her Queen did. No, the young devil knew what she was doing. She was curbing a terrible influence on HER school, simple as that. The raven haired girl had believed Rias would be able to tame the troublemaker Issei Hyoudou. She had allowed her red headed friend first dibs on the male student simply because she'd believed there was only two ways things would proceed from there.

Issei Hyoudou was either supposed to end up under Rias' thumb, kept in check by the beautiful buxom Gremory Heiress and her peerage filled with strong capable young women, or he was supposed to reject her offer, leaving him in Sona's very capable hands. At which point, the Student Council President would have stepped in and taken the boy to task. A bit of training and the handsome young man would probably be the perfect gentleman once Sona was through with him.

Unfortunately, neither of those options had come to pass. Sona hadn't thought it possible, but in the end Rias had managed to get Issei to join her peerage while at the same time seeming to fall completely head over heels in love with him, to the point that Sona felt more like Issei was Rias' King rather than the other way around. More than that, Hyoudou seemed more insatiable than ever before after joining Rias' peerage and Sona was hearing increased reports of incredibly blatant sexual activity all over the Academy grounds.

It seemed that not only was Issei now in an established five way relationship with Rias and her three girls, he was also still getting his undoubtedly massive cock wet in other students all over campus. It infuriated Sona to no end and she was determined to put a stop to things once and for all. It didn't matter to her that he was a member of Rias' peerage now. Sona rightly felt that her crimson haired best friend had forfeited all rights when she let himself get sucked into Issei Hyoudou's tempo, when she submitted to that… that Neanderthal!

Sona would NOT have the same issue. She would take the charismatic young man in hand and she would turn him into a perfect gentleman. No matter what she had to resort to, she would punish him for his past sins. Issei Hyoudou would learn that not every female he came across would simply drop their panties for him at the drop of a hat. Issei Hyo- there he was!

The short haired beauty's eyes widened ever so slightly and the corners of her lips turned upwards very briefly as she regarded the target of her ire. He was just down the hall from her, his attention focused on a blushing second year student as he smiled and said something Sona couldn't quite make out. It didn't matter what he was saying though. As the girl blushed and stammered, Sona arrived with Tsubaki right behind her.

"No fraternizing in the hallways! Issei Hyoudou, as Student Council President, I need to talk with you now!"

The no name girl immediately paled and scurried off, while Issei simply turned his head towards Sona, a brief flash of annoyance followed by a speculative second look as he raked his gaze over both her and her Queen. Judging by the perverse smile that spread across his face, he liked what he saw. Sona could feel her own face heating up ever so slightly, but she did her best to keep her calm, overriding him before he could do more than open his mouth.

"Hyoudou! As a student at Kuoh Academy, you fall under MY authority. Enough is enough! You are a pervert and a playboy and you use your good looks to befuddle and entice the girls of this school into indecency! I will not have it! I will not have you turn Kuoh Academy into a den of d-debauchery! I demand that you cease your actions immediately!"

By the end of her little diatribe, Sona was ever so slightly out of breathe, her face flushed red and her breath coming out in short gasps as she glared at Issei Hyoudou with her hands clenched into fists at her sides. The young man had transitioned from smirking to impassive as he stared back at her, and despite herself, Sona could feel that aura that she and Rias had spent so many meetings discussing. His very presence was enough to begin to moisten the place betwixt her thighs.

But Sona was not weak like Rias was. She was not controlled by her emotions or her body's biological reactions to a handsome confident young man. She stood her ground, waiting impatiently for Issei's answer. Of course, when it finally came it wasn't what she wanted to hear from him at all.

"Did you just call me handsome?"

Issei's impassive face split into a new wide grin as he asked that question. Sona's eyes widened in barely restrained fury as she sputtered and snarled.

"W-what?! That's the only thing you took away from that?!"

"… President…"

Sona blinked as Tsubaki's hand touched her shoulder and her Queen's calm voice reached her ear. Looking back, the short haired young devil saw that Tsubaki wasn't doing much better than her at the moment in the face of Issei's aura. There was a growing blush across her Queen's face but she was still resisting her baser instincts just like Sona was. Only now as Tsubaki looked at her with concern and worry in her eyes, did Sona realize just how much she'd let the young man destroy her calm and collected demeanor.

Letting out a low breath and centering herself, Sona nodded to Tsubaki and turned back to Issei, opening her mouth to respond more calmly, only for him to preempt her this time.

"You know Pres, if you're that interested, I'd be happy to give you a ride for free. You can go for a test drive and if you don't like it, I'll take what you're asking me to do into consideration. But I think we both know you're going to like it Sona Sitri."

His casual mention of her real name left no doubt in Sona's mind just how far Rias had fallen. If the Gremory Heiress couldn't even be trusted to keep her best friend's secrets from the boy anymore, things were truly dire indeed. Then, the realization that Issei had just propositioned her directly hit Sona's mind and her eyes widened once more in outrage before she remembered she was supposed to be cool, calm and collected. She clamped down on all the crass things she wanted to say to the young man before her, none of which included them having sex in any way, shape, or form!

Her nostrils flared as she breathed in and out through her nose and the barely composed young woman wracked her brain trying to think of a suitable response to his suggestion. Then, it came to her. She narrowed her eyes at Issei and lifted up a hand to point a finger in his direction.

"Issei Hyoudou… my virginity belongs to my future husband and him alone. And I have a longstanding tradition regarding such suitors! If you cannot beat me in a game of Chess, you cannot have me!"

That got an immediate reaction from the young man. He was suddenly very interested and inwardly Sona laughed a bit. It was so easy to turn his mannerisms against him!

"So you're saying if I DO beat you in a game of Chess, I CAN have you?"

Hah! Exactly as she'd intended! Hook, line, and sinker! Keeping her face composed and stoic, Sona pretended to consider this for a long moment before eventually turning her head slightly away and nodding, the blush on her features mostly fake as she spoke out in a faux begrudging mutter.

"I suppose you would be entitled to my hand then, yes."

"Well then, how about a game of Chess, Ms. Student Council president?"

Then she went for the kill, turning back to look at the grinning young man with a piercing glare.

"And if I win the game, you will stop all of your perversion and debauched activities and you will attend detentions in the Student Council Room every day for the next six months so that I may rehabilitate you!"

Now it was Issei who looked considering, eyeing her for a long moment of uncharacteristic silence.

"Those are some higher stakes Pres. I think if we're going to go that far, I can only consent if we're playing Strip Chess."

Sona's thought process halted momentarily as her mind froze up, trying to process the word that Issei had just tacked onto her favorite hobby.

"What?! W-what the hell is Strip Chess?!"

The explosion came out before she could stop it, her composure once more shattered by the infuriating man before her. Issei, being that infuriating man through and through, just grinned raunchily and reached up to tug slightly at his shirt.

"Simple really. For every back piece that gets taken by either of us during the game, the owner of said piece has to remove one piece of clothing. It's Strip Chess."

Sona groaned as she brought up a hand and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Why does everything have to be so sexual with you Hyoudou?"

"I didn't hear a no there."

Issei was grinning cockily at her and there was nothing Sona wanted more in that moment than to put him in his place. And the more she thought about it, the more palatable Strip Chess sounded to her. After all, she wasn't going to lose any of her clothing, not against HIM. Issei Hyoudou might have been a charismatic handsome young man, but he spent far too much time getting into girls' panties for him to be anywhere near as good at Chess as she was.

There really was no risk to Sona here, was there? And perhaps Issei being forced to strip down to his underwear would be an excellent start to his punishment and eventual humiliation. She would stop the game before it went any further than that, making sure to secure victory while still leaving one or two of his back pieces alive so that he could maintain a small amount of his dignity.

Returning his cocky grin with a smirk of her own, Sona nodded and stretched out a hand.

"You're on Hyoudou. Strip Chess it is."

His grin widened another notch and he reached out to take her hand in his, shaking once and then sliding it back over her palm in a surprisingly pleasurable way that caused a shiver to run down Sona's spine. She pretended to ignore it, whirling around on her heel and beginning to walk down the hall.

"Come! I've got a chess board set up in the Student Council Room that we can play on!"

With both Tsubaki and Issei on her heels, Sona was feeling a modicum of control again. She was in charge here and she was about to prove it by giving this dreamboat of a boy the thrashing of a lifetime.