Chapter 6 Part 1

She had failed.

That was the first thought that ran through Grayfia Lucifuge's head when she looked upon the sight before her in shock and ever mounting horror. She had failed her husband, not as his wife, but as his Queen and Maid, two things she took more pride in at times than the first. In his capacity as Lucifer and as her King, Sirzechs had only ever commanded one thing of her. Oh sure, she served him in many different ways, but he never ordered her around even though he definitely could have.

No, in the end, Sirzechs usually asked or cajoled or begged for her to do things. There was only one task he had demanded of her and it was such a simple, pure-hearted thing that she'd been happy to accept. 'Look after my sister' he had said. That was it. All Grayfia had been tasked to do was keep an eye on Rias after she went off to study with humans.

Yet, that was not Grayfia's only duty, no matter how much Sirzechs might have preferred it to be. She was the Queen of one of the Satans as well as his Maid, and more than that, she was a mother to Millicas as well. Ultimately, Grayfia had quite a lot on her plate at all times and in the end, she could only truly afford to check on Rias every two weeks or so.

Unfortunately, she'd missed the last check in and it had been a month since she'd last spoken with Rias and asked how she was doing. She hadn't thought much of it at the time… how much trouble could one young devil get to in a month? Well, now she supposed she knew. Still… relationships weren't supposed to progress this fast were they? And to have enamored both young heiresses at the same time…

"Oh Issei! F-fuck! Yes, fuck me Master, fuck me!"

Grayfia blushed deeply at that, her all-encompassing horror managing to mask the small growing ember of arousal in between her thighs. The silver haired, silver eyed maid didn't even realize she was slowly getting worked up, as focused on what was happening in front of her as she was. Rias Gremory was on her hands and knees being plowed from behind by a well-built young man with brown hair and a pretty nice ass.

Grayfia couldn't see much beyond Rias' distinctive red hair and the maid was thankful for that, as it meant both of the young lovers were turned away from her and thus couldn't see her. It also meant she didn't have to see the naked nubile form of her husband's little sister on full display, or view Rias' face as she experienced orgasm. And judging by the noises she was making and the way she was shaking, Rias was climaxing right then and there.

Eager to distract herself from that, Grayfia slid her gaze to the other elephant in the room. Right beside Rias and this… Issei, Sona Sitri was laid out on her back, legs spread wide and white hot cum dripping out of her freshly fucked cunt. More than that though, the slight chested naked young heiress was completely out of it, her face red and her eyes heavily lidded as she moaned and touched herself rather casually.

Unlike with Rias and Issei, all Sona would have to do is look up and she'd see Grayfia standing there, watching. Luckily for the silver haired woman, Sona had eyes only for the two lovebirds next to her, her head turned as she watched Rias vocally enjoy her fucking. There was something more though, something Grayfia was missing beyond just a random boy deflowering the Gremory and Sitri heiresses.

It hit her like an avalanche and Grayfia's eyes widened as she blushed an even deeper red. Rias had called the young man whose ass she couldn't quite stop coming back to Master. How was that possible? Even in the midst of her horror, Grayfia had assumed that this was Rias' latest attempt to get out of the marriage contract with Riser. The one they called the Strongest Queen had assumed this was completely orchestrated by the crimson haired heiress, though she hadn't understood how Sona got roped into things.

But if Rias was calling this Issei boy Master, who exactly was in charge here? The young man was clearly a reincarnated devil, but looking at him more closely, Grayfia saw a deeper, stranger strength that caused even her to balk, her eyes widening slightly. How had a power player managed to escape notice for this long? How had he managed to not only sneak under their noses, but also put two of the rising stars of this newest generation of devils under his thumb without their knowledge?

Grayfia couldn't imagine Serafall not knowing that this was going on, the Leviathan checked up on her little sister far more frequently than was appropriate. So why hadn't Serafall put a stop to this? Well, if the Satan wouldn't, it was Grayfia's duty to do so. The beautiful devil narrowed her silver eyes as her resolve hardened, her hands closing into fists. Grayfia took a step forward towards the happily fucking couple, intent on breaking them apart and salvaging as much of this mess as she could.

However, before she could take the second step, someone latched onto her wrist with a large clawed hand. Whoever they were, they stopped her cold much to the Queen's shock. There weren't many people alive that were both strong enough to hold her back as well as sneak up on her without her noticing. Grayfia was stunned as she whirled around and beheld her assailant, a red scaled dragon girl she didn't recognize even one bit.

Furrowing her brow, Grayfia summoned her not inconsiderable strength for the sole purpose of tearing her wrist from the unknown's grasp. Unfortunately, while it was not easy for the dragon girl as she had to grit her sharp teeth and dig her heels into the carpet beneath her, she did still manage to maintain her hold on Grayfia, even lashing out with her tail and wrapping it around the silver haired Maid's neck.

"Now, now, can't have you interrupting the Master~"

Of course, the moment the two began their little power struggle, Issei, Rias, and Sona were irrevocably interrupted. Issei had pulled out of Rias' well-fucked cunt and the three were watching with varying levels of surprise and worry on their faces as Grayfia clawed at the dragon girl's tail with her free hand, managing to hook her fingers into it so she could pull it away from her neck enough to breathe.

"Y-you… who are you?"

The normally stoic Maid was clearly rattled by the dragon girl's presence. But then she really had every reason to be considering even now she couldn't sense her opponent's power. Considering Ddraig was simply a projection of Issei's mind and took all of her strength from him, there was a very good reason for it. The dragon girl grinned savagely through gritted teeth, tightening her grip as best as she could as she and the Strongest Queen had their little battle of wills.

"Oh? Don't recognize me? I suppose this isn't a form that would have made it into any of your history books devil. I am Ddraig the Great Welsh! You stand before your better little devil and thanks to my Master's efforts in unlocking his full potential, I now have the strength to prove it!"

Grayfia's eyes widened in a combination of shock and fear at the news of just who she was facing. There was a moment where all she felt was an all-encompassing terror. She had been there on that day during the Great War, when the two ever-battling dragons had attacked the leaders of all Three Factions and ultimately ended up sealed for it. One might have thought that such an ignominious defeat would result in their reputations being ruined, but that day had nearly been a massacre. Only the combined strength of all sides of the Great War had managed to put Ddraig and Albion down before everything was lost. Grayfia knew that alone, she stood no chance against the Red Dragon Emperor.

Except, once the terror had passed over her, Grayfia realized several things at once. First, she currently was managing to hold her own against Ddraig, if barely. Second, Ddraig was not anything like an Emperor right now; instead she was a voluptuous humanoid dragon girl, more akin to something out of a teenage boy's perverted mind rather than the monster Grayfia feared. And third, Ddraig had all but admitted that she was borrowing from her master's strength.

Grayfia processed this all in but a moment, putting two and two together and realizing where her true enemy lay. With all her strength, the woman known in some circles as the Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation spun and broke free of Ddraig's grasp, leaving the dragon girl in the dust and making a beeline for Issei. If she could disable him, she could disable Ddraig. More than that, he was the cause of her failure, the one who had undoubtedly seduced both Rias and Sona if they were calling him Master.

As such, Grayfia did not intend to hold anything back as she lanced forward with all the considerable speed at her disposal, aiming to put an end to this threat to her and her charge as swiftly as possible. Unfortunately, she had not expected Rias to react by placing herself in front of her lover. Perhaps she should have seen it coming, but the move completely blindsided Grayfia and while under normal circumstances she might have been able to sneak around Rias given enough time to react, here she did not have that.

The silver haired Queen was already only a foot away from striking when Rias made her move and it was a testament to Grayfia's ability and Rias' faith in that ability that the older devil was able to draw back at the last second, skidding to a half an inch away from Rias' face, her attack aborted entirely. Unfortunately, this left her in an incredibly poor position in regards to the enemy at her back. With Issei not 'disabled' in the slightest, Ddraig abruptly caught up with Grayfia and slammed her face first into the ground, pinning her in place and holding her down with all five of the dragon girl's limbs, tail included as it one more wrapped around Grayfia's neck.

This time, no matter how hard she struggled, the silver eyed devil wasn't able to break free, at least not in time to avoid being choked out into unconsciousness by the dragon girl. The last thing Grayfia saw before passing out were three faces looking down at her, Rias and Sona both clutching at the dangerous young man standing between them with a predatory glint in his eye as he gazed at her.