Chapter 6 Part 2

Funnily enough, Issei had never actually been afraid for himself, despite sensing that the unknown woman who had invaded their privacy was quite strong. Even after Rias and Sona explained just who Grayfia Lucifuge was and what her presence here meant for them, Issei wasn't really scared. He was concerned of course, the fact that a powerful being with a title like Strongest Queen could just appear while he was having sex was very disturbing. And he was also worried on Sona and Rias' behalf. Both girls seemed distraught at the idea of their families finding out about him.

Issei tried not to be offended by that, putting himself in their shoes; he could see how telling one's parents that you've found the love of your life in the form of a domineering man with an ever growing harem might be difficult. Doubly so for Rias, who was apparently engaged. THAT had caused Issei to grow a little protective of his first notable conquest and in the end, it had been the major reason that he had decided on their current plan of action.

Grayfia Lucifuge wasn't the kind of woman that one could tie down to a bed and hope to keep restrained, at least not under normal circumstances. However, with Fallen Angels and Asia on his side, Issei had access to a devil's greatest weakness, no matter how much power they had. The Light was the great equalizer in this case, providing them with a way to bind the powerful female devil and keep her from escaping.

Now here he stood, standing over the bed where the unconscious woman lay with light-infused ropes around her wrists and ankles, burning her flesh near constantly. Beside him, Ddraig paced back and forth impatiently, licking her lips as her tail whipped behind her. A little amused by the dragon girl, Issei looked at her and cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you that eager to get started Ddraig?"

Stopping, Ddraig finally looked away from Grayfia to her Master, smiling toothily.

"It has been a long time since I was able to fight someone so strong on equal terms. My last few hosts were distinctly lacking. I am almost hoping that she tries to break free, if only so I can put her back down again."

Issei chuckled at that and opened his mouth to respond, only to be distracted by movement from the bed. Grayfia woke up with a groan before straining briefly against her bindings. Only, when she did so the light infusing said bindings shown brighter, causing her to cry out in anger and agony until she eventually settled back down and glared balefully at him. Issei smiled easily back, feeling surprisingly calm even with a more mature, powerful woman like Grayfia clearly unhappy with him.

"You can't possibly think that you'll be able to hold me like this forever. Even with your underhanded use of the Light, I can break free of these bindings if I wish."

Issei waved a hand at her as if to say 'get on with it'.

"Go ahead. That's why Ddraig is here. She really wants you to try so she can have her round two."

Grayfia's eyes flickered between the confident young man and the primordial force he'd managed to tame and turn into an over-sexualized dragon girl. Eventually, the silver haired devil let a small smile cross her face and laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I concede defeat in this case. You have gotten the better of me, for now. But if you think my disappearance will go unnoticed for long, you have another thing coming young man. Keep me here for much longer and the Lucifer himself will come looking for his lost maid."

Rather than panicking as she'd hoped however, Issei just nodded along with a wide grin on his face, though Grayfia couldn't see it from her current position.

"Yep. Rias told me all about that. I know we're working with limited time, so I don't have the luxury of waiting for you to come to me. Let's have some fun together Grayfia Lucifuge, and if you wish to break free and resist at any time, feel free to do so!"

Suddenly, Issei was on the bed before her and Grayfia's eyes widened in outrage when the young man reached down and took hold of the white apron that contained her massive tits. Grayfia's French maid outfit was a bit of a contradiction. It showed almost no skin beyond her arms and her face, yet right in the center of it there was a large window in the blue jacket she wore that showed off her large breasts. Of course, this was fine normally, because they were usually properly covered by the white apron that lay beneath the blue jacket.

Issei gripped that white part with both of his hands and pulled, roughly tearing it apart and revealing her massive mammaries, clad only in a lacey white bra. Grayfia gasped and strained momentarily against her bindings before seeing Ddraig's anticipatory grin and settling down before the light infused into them could do anymore damage to her body.

The woman fell back on her normal attitude, mustering up every bit of stoicism she had and becoming outwardly expressionless as Issei casually flipped the cups of her bra up off her tits, letting her huge boobs bounce free from their confines. However, it was in this vacuum of emotionless that Grayfia realized something startling. She was aroused.

It was understandable that she had not noticed before now. The silver haired woman was not used to feeling arousal. In point of fact, she was a little frigid. Even Sirzechs did not truly get her engine going most of the time; she merely loved him dearly as a friend and as her King. They had conceived Millicas but their sex life was more than a little lack luster regardless. In the end, Grayfia was happy to serve her king, but Sirzechs wasn't quite so happy knowing that she wasn't truly enjoying their couplings.

They hadn't had sex in months now as a result, though their relationship as Master and Servant and King and Queen remained as strong as ever. But the fact that she was aroused now startled Grayfia something fierce. And it brought up old emotions and feelings that she'd long since thought buried, even as Issei leaned over her and took one of her tits in his mouth.

Grayfia had to stifle a gasp, and stifle it she did but the mere fact that it'd been necessary spoke of how much trouble she was really in here. There was no danger of her dying, but the silver haired devil was beginning to realize that the threat Issei posed was far more sinister than death.

"Is this… is this how you seduced Rias and the Sitri Heiress as well? I am no fool young man. I can tell what you're trying to do to me."

Issei pulled back from suckling at her nipple for a moment, but didn't stop groping and kneading her big fat tits as he grinned wickedly at her.

"Does it matter that you can tell, so long as it's working? Hm, I've had a pretty good track record with bets… would you like to make a wager? If you win, I'll release you sooner and accept any punishment you want to dole out, even death."

Grayfia wasn't both yesterday and her eyes narrow as she looks at the conniving young man knelt beside her bound form.

"What is the nature of this wager? And what do you get if I somehow lose?"

Issei chuckles and runs his fingers tips over her already red tits, moving gently rather than harshly as he had a moment before, this time exploring her soft sensitive flesh in a delightful way that sent shivers and shudders down her spine.

"If I win, you pledge your complete and total loyalty to me, Issei Hyoudou, the Red Dragon Emperor. You submit to my rule and you obey me and only me above all others. If I win… you will betray your Master to be with me. As for the wager…"

Here, the young man grins and leans back entirely, his hands thankfully leaving her breasts for the moment. Though what he does with them is not exactly desirable as Grayfia watches Issei unzip his pants and withdraw his throbbing hard cock from the confines of his boxers. He's definitely bigger than Sirzechs where it counts, though Grayfia would never admit that in a million years.

More than that, the scent of his musk and his arousal reaches her nose in the next moment and assaults her senses. Grayfia grits her teeth and with all of her focus, she forces back the sensations he's causing within her, tearing her gaze away from his cock to glare defiantly up at his smug, smirking face.

"The wager is simple. All you have to do is resist me until I go soft. So long as you manage to tire me out before begging me of your own volition for my cock, I will consider you the winner of our little bet. A contest of strength of will and stamina. What do you say?"

The silver haired maid's first inclination is to say no. She understands what Issei is really saying after all. For the duration of their 'contest', she'll be expected to actively participate in her own rape. It would be a 'battle' rather than him assaulting her and she would be endeavoring to pleasure him to completion before he could do the same to her.

And yet, her only other option was to stay passive and allow him to do as he liked with her while she refused to respond. The problem with that was, the more time went on, the less Grayfia was sure that would be an option. She was already feeling the effects of whatever Issei had done to Rias and Sona. She knew she could resist him for some time if he left her alone, but if he continued to molest her body, or even worse, fucked that big hard dick into her holes, she had no doubt she would eventually break, possibly before she was missed and someone came for her.

In the end, the wager was her best chance to get free because it gave Issei a single session to potentially bend her to his will, rather than multiple sessions interspersed with recovery breaks. He would almost certainly fuck her still, but Grayfia couldn't imagine the young man managing more than a couple releases before he went soft. She would play along with Issei's game and once the young man was exhausted, she would have her opportunity for revenge. Meeting Issei's expectant eyes, Grayfia nodded jerkily.

"I accept the terms of your wager."

Issei's grin was more than a little unsettling as he went back to molesting her breasts, but Grayfia ignored it in favor of the matter at hand.

"If you're going to play with my chest like that, it seems only fitting that I get a fighting chance."

They both knew what she meant, just like they both knew she wasn't going to outright say it. Issei smiled and nodded all the same, removing his hands from the silver haired woman's breasts and crawling up above her head. Grayfia's face was expressionless when he guided the tip of his cock down towards her lips, but she still opened up all the same, taking him in her mouth and beginning to suck him off, even as he returned to what he was doing.