Chapter 11 Part 1

Rias twitches a little as she sits on the sofa. The crimson-haired Gremory heiress isn't all that used to exercising her authority, at least not of late. Most of the time, Issei is around, and when he's around, what he says goes. But today, she's acting in her position as King and as the owner of this particular territory.

Sona and her peerage had already met with the two exorcists in front of her. So had Issei, in point of fact. Holy Warriors of the Church… their presence usually meant nothing but trouble. This time however, they had come in peace, strangely enough. Rias still wasn't sure about it, but Sona had said they seemed trustworthy, and the pair had even visited Issei's home without starting a fight.

… Apparently Issei knew the pigtailed blonde from his childhood or something? Glancing sidelong at her beloved Master, Rias can't help but squirm on the sofa, rubbing her inner thighs together. She almost wished he would take charge on this, so she didn't have to make the decisions. She'd much prefer to be on her knees, with his cock in her mouth right now.

Alas, for whatever reason, Issei was hiding his true self from these two, and out of respect and devotion, Rias and her peerage were keeping his secret, even if they were confused by his behavior. So far, the young man was staying relatively quiet, allowing the meeting to proceed without his interference. She wondered if he would step in at any point to bring these two young beauties under his sway… but for now, Issei seemed disinclined to take the two exorcists in the way he'd taken and dominated her and her peerage. It was rather uncharacteristic of him, in the end.

"So that's the situation. One Excalibur from each of the three Churches has been taken by Kokabiel, a leader of the Fallen Angels. We know he's brought them here, and we are asking your permission to search for them within your territory."

Rias lifts an eyebrow at that. Something in the blonde exorcist's tone sets off warning bells, and regardless of how Issei has corrupted and twisted her, she still has her wits about her… at least when his cock isn't deep inside of her womb.

"Oh? Is that all you're asking of us?"

The other exorcist, the one with the short blue hair, speaks up, shaking her head back and forth.

"We must also demand that you do not intrude in our investigation, nor interfere in any conflict between us and the Fallen Angels and their minions. We came here today to tell you to stay out of matters."

Rias' eyebrows lift at the caustic attitude. Her mind flits to the three Fallen Angels that Issei had put under his control… they were still nearby, hell it was a wonder that the exorcists hadn't run into them at Issei's house. What was it that the one, Raynare had said? They were secretly working for Kokabiel, weren't they? Hm, it just got stranger and stranger.

Still, she couldn't just let something like the blue-haired exorcist's words stand. Leaning forward, Rias locks eyes with the one called Xenovia.

"Are you implying that we would work with Kokabiel? That my peerage and I might team up with him to use these stolen Excaliburs for something?"

"Haha, of course no-"

"Our higher ups did not think it was an impossibility. After all, if the holy swords are taken away from the side of God, you only stand to benefit, do you not?"

Rias can't deny that, and she also can't exactly claim that she wouldn't form an alliance with the Fallen Angels. This Kokabiel didn't sound like someone she would care to work with, but at the very least, his former subordinates were now Issei's pets, and that put them on the same side as her. Smiling slightly, Rias inclines her head towards the two exorcists.

"… We won't interfere then, so long as you do not overstep your bounds."

"Buchou… how can you say that?"

The words come out of nowhere… except no, Rias should have seen this coming. The Gremory heiress was so focused on Issei and whether or not he would interject and take control of the meeting, that she'd completely forgotten her one subordinate who would have the most to say about exorcists wielding parts of Excalibur, in town solely to find other parts of Excalibur. Rias looks towards Kiba, but her warning glance is far too late.

The beautiful blonde swordswoman grits her teeth as she stares with unbridled hate at the exorcists and the swords they wield. All the same, Kiba continues to address Rias as she speaks through gritted teeth.

"We should kill these two now. We should destroy their Excaliburs, and then we should hunt down this Fallen Angel that dares to bring those worthless pieces of trash into your territory. They're trespassing, aren't they? So it's perfectly fine to end them…"

Rias has rarely seen her female Knight so fired up, but Kiba is beside herself with fury, nearly shaking in suppressed rage. Her hands are curled into fists at her side, and she looks ready to use her Sacred Gear any second so that she can launch herself at the exorcists. For their part, both Xenovia and Irina are clearly taken aback by the vitriol leveled in their direction, but that doesn't mean both aren't ready to fight at a moment's notice as well.

The Gremory heiress presses her lips together, mind racing as she considers how to handle this situation without it ending in bloodshed, or worse, her Knight's hurt feelings. She's between a rock in a hard place on this, not wanting to side against Kiba, but also unable to fulfill the swordswoman's request. In the end, Rias is saved by the same man who always saves her. Issei finally steps in.


The blonde swordswoman freezes up as the only male in the room finally speaks, his voice cutting through the tension in the air like a knife. Rias is more than a little relieved. If there's one thing that could get through to Kiba in this instance, it's her love for Issei. The blonde's emotions for the Red Dragon Emperor run just as deep as Rias'.

Slowly, Kiba turns to look at Issei, her eyes beseeching.


"Kiba, no."

Issei cuts her off before she can finish saying his title. He shakes his head and Kiba looks downright ready to cry, but luckily, the young man continues a moment later.

"What have these two done to you Kiba? I know who wronged you. I know that you deserve revenge. But the crimes of that man should not be pushed upon these girls. His twisted actions, propelled by evil desires, should not mean the destruction of priceless artifacts. Channel your anger in the direction it belongs."

The room is silent as everyone stares at Issei in wonder. Rias had already known her beloved was amazing, but that… she hadn't known he could be so WISE. Valiantly resisting the urge to squee in delight, the red head sits quietly along with everyone else as Issei gives Kiba a smile and holds out a hand. By this point, the blonde swordswoman is shaking, not from anger, but for a whole other reason entirely.

She slowly approaches Issei, and he in turn takes Kiba into his arms, pressing his forehead against hers and slowly calms her down. Eventually, the blonde lets out a shuddering sigh and finally relaxes into his embrace, even as Rias turns her attention back to the exorcists. Xenovia is watching the exchange with an entirely blank expression on her face, keeping her true feelings hidden as she sits there. Beside her however, Irina is nowhere near as reserved.

"T-That was so cool! A-Ah, Issei, why did you have to become a devil?! You've become a truly fine man as well, and it's just not fair! If only you could be a member of the Church, like me! Mooooou!!!"

Rias resists the urge to snicker, but she doesn't quite hold back her grin, even as Xenovia tsks and then smacks Irina upside the back of the head.

"Quiet. You should exercise more composure, especially in front of enemies."

Seeing an opportunity to jump back in, Rias lets her smile widen a bit more.

"Well, we don't have to be enemies, do we?"

Alas, something about her seems to cause the guard on both exorcists to rise as they look back at her, Irina with unease and Xenovia with a glare. It's the latter that responds in a frosty tone.

"We are followers of the Light and the one true God. You are everything dark about this world. So yes, we are enemies… but for now, we will hold the peace, so long as you do so as well, and so long as you do not interfere in our quest."

That's where the conversation ultimately ends, as an awkward silence falls. Rias doesn't really have anything left to say to that sort of thing. Zealots will be zealots after all. Exchanging a glance, the two exorcists stand in unison and Xenovia clears her throat.

"Since that is all, I suppose we will take our leave now. Let's go Irina."

Rias watches them go, cognizant of the fact that Akeno and Koneko are both doing the same beside her. Asia, not part of Rias' peerage, but indeed part of the ORC ever since Sona pulled strings to get her enrolled at the Academy, has more worry in her eyes as she observes the two exorcists. Before they fully leave, Xenovia catches sight of the former holy maiden and pauses as Irina does the same beside her.

"You. Are you the Witch? The one called Asia Argento? I never expected to meet you here of all places."

Rias watches in mild amusement as Asia's worry clears up in a second. The former nun stands from her seat, her self-confidence at an all time high ever since Issei took her under his wing.

"W-What of it?"

It still doesn't stop her voice from cracking though, even as Irina perks up.

"So you really are her… the former holy maiden… it's said that your power heals not just people, but also Devils and Fallen Angels… such a shame, that you would fall so low…"

Rias prepares to stand, if need be. Asia's hands are clenched into fists and it's clear she's upset. The blonde's eyes flash, causing both Xenovia and Irina to draw back a little in surprise. Asia was the kind of girl who could seem so docile one moment… until you provoked her, that is. Then, a beatific smile spreads across Asia's face and she clasps her hands in front of her. Her nostrils flare as she lets out a loud breath, and then she looks upon the two with superiority and pity.

"I don't see it that way. In fact, I know I'm exactly where I need to be. I'm where God wants me to be."

There's no smiting from on high, even as Asia says such a sacrilegious, blasphemous thing. Xenovia and Irina's eyes widen in outrage, and then Xenovia is narrowing her gaze into slits as she takes a menacing step towards Asia, towering over the serene girl.

"That sounds like something an Exiled Witch would say. It's clear that your mind is more twisted than any thought. You truly are a forsaken creature."

Whatever Asia might have said is lost, as Issei's voice rings out again.


The single word draws all attention to the young man, even as he steps away from Kiba, coming to a stop in the center of the room. Xenovia and Irina both look to him, and he shakes his head back and forth.

"Too far. Apologize to Asia, now."

Xenovia glances to Irina, who in turn simply shrugs her shoulders, clearly having no opinion either way. Looking back to Issei, the short-haired exorcist smirks slightly, the smile not reaching her eyes as she mimics him.


"Then I challenge you, both of you, to a duel. Outside, right now. If I win, you both will apologize to Asia. If you win, I will in turn apologize to you, and help my King wholeheartedly in making sure none of the devils in this area interfere with your investigation."

"Me too, Master! Allow me to fight by your side!"

Issei tosses a glance back over his shoulder at the suddenly exuberant Kiba, but the shake of his head as he silently tells her no only causes the swordswoman to deflate. Neither Xenovia nor Irina noticed Kiba's use of the word 'Master' though, or if they did, they aren't paying it any mind, instead engaged in a silent conversation between one another, that ultimately results in Irina beaming and answering for the two of them.

"Challenge accepted Issei! Sounds like fun!~"

Rias once again has to hold back her reaction, suppressing the dark chuckle that threatens to erupt from her throat. Beside her, Akeno partially fails as she giggles wickedly into her hand, and even Koneko is smiling more than usual. It would certainly be fun… but not for the exorcists. All of them knew how Issei's fights tended to go by this point…

This was sure to be enjoyable.