Chapter 11 Part 2

Xenovia wasn't sure what to think about Issei Hyoudou. From what Irina had told her, he'd been a decent kid, and it looked like he'd grown into a fine young man… who had then been turned into a devil by the Gremory heiress. A shame, but that was just one of the things Xenovia had learned as an exorcist. Good didn't always get to triumph over Evil.

She'd be damned if they were going to lose now though. No, this was a fight that she and Irina had to win, for their pride and the honor of the Church. She would not be forced to apologize to that… that Witch of a woman, and neither would Irina. Especially not by a devil boy.

Of course, there was the small problem of Issei's looks. It was affecting Irina worse than it was affecting her, or so it seemed to Xenovia. In truth, the blue-haired woman was suppressing her reactions to him unconsciously, not even aware of how her body yearned for his touch, simply by being in his presence. She had no way of knowing Issei had been holding himself back ever since he'd walked in on them in his kitchen, speaking with his mother.

Neither exorcist had any clue just what the young man was packing, as they walked outside with him to face off in a clearing behind the ORC building. Xenovia still had to nudge Irina a couple times though, to keep the pigtailed blonde from staring for too long at Issei's backside. The blue-haired exorcist wouldn't admit it, but Issei DID have a pretty amazing butt. Still, they had a fight to win.

Tossing off her white cloak and taking Excalibur Destruction from her back, Xenovia notes Irina doing the same with Excalibur Mimic, even as the pair of them face off against Issei Hyoudou. In turn, the male devil regards them for a second, his lips curled into a wicked smile as he stands there with his hands behind his back, unmoving. It's Irina who ultimately voices the confusion they're both feeling, as Xenovia is far too proud to.

"… Uh, Issei… where's your weapon?"

Xenovia feels a flash of heat that she mistakes as anger when Issei responds with a superior grin and a shake of his head.

"I don't wield a blade. And I won't need to, in order to defeat the two of you. Come on then, I'll give you first shot, alright? Go ahead."

Irina is hesitant beside her, but Xenovia is not. Something about this devil raises her hackles in a way she can't describe. In truth, the short-haired young woman's conscious mind is at odds with her subconscious mind. She's turned on by Issei, but she's not even willing to admit it to herself in that moment, as she growls and takes him up on his offer.

"Very well, if that's how you want to play it!"

Slashing Excalibur Destruction down through the air, Xenovia unleashes a blast of pure destructive power in the devil's direction, even as beside her, Irina lunges forward belatedly, rushing after the blast in order to strike at their opponent while he's distracted. But to the surprise of both female exorcists, Issei is not there when the smoke from her attack clears and Irina's sword slashes through the air he'd once occupied. Xenovia quickly begins to look around, but before she can fully turn around, there's a set of claws on the back of her neck, holding her in place as a dark, deep masculine voice speaks directly into her ear.

"You're in denial sweetheart. Let's see if we can bring out the part of yourself you're trying to hide."

The words are like silk and chocolate combined, and they slide over Xenovia's mind in a way that leaves her unable to react as Issei grips and then tears the back of her black, form fitting top away. The female exorcists' bra-clad chest is abruptly exposed as the front of her outfit just falls from her body, no longer held in place by anything.

Still, Xenovia proves her prowess when her reaction is to swing around and attempt to bisect the devil behind her, rather than an inane squeal and a pointless attempt to cover up. Unfortunately for her, she's far more outclassed than she knows, both her and Irina leagues beneath Issei in power level. Excalibur Destruction, able to tear through devils in a single hit, is stopped dead by a single hand as a transformed Issei stands before her with dragon scales, dragon claws, and even a set of draconic wings unfurled from his back.


That's Irina, as the pigtailed blonde stops dead at the sight of the young man. Xenovia's mouth is agape as she stares at the point where her holy sword is literally being HELD in place by his claws. The blade isn't cutting into his flesh, she sees that now. Instead, his claws have grabbed it fast from both sides, and are gripping tightly enough that she can't pull free.

In the end, he lets go of the Excalibur and Xenovia immediately tries to capitalize and strike at him, but before she can even crystalize her plan of attack in her mind, Issei is gone once more, and Irina's squeal has Xenovia whirling about to discover her partner in the same state of topless undress that she is. From that point on, Issei makes a mockery of their 'duel'.

Neither exorcist can land a blow on the speedy, powerful draconic devil, and while he's more than capable of doing the same if he wants to, instead Issei seems more interested in humiliating them in front of the Gremory heiress and her peerage. Garment after garment is shredded from their bodies. First, their black, form-fitting exorcist outfits are torn from them, top and then bottom. Then their gloves and their stockings are ripped off as well.

In the end, they're both left in nothing but their underwear, and though Issei doesn't go a step further and remove that next, what he DOES do is just as bad. As soon as the young man has the two frustrated and bewildered beauties down to their panties and their bras, he begins to attack them in another way entirely, grabbing and gripping and kneading their sensitive area through their undergarments as he passes by time and time again, dodging or outright blocking their attacks like it's nothing.

Despite Xenovia's conscious mind actively repressing her desire for the draconic devil, Issei's active molestation of her and her partner make it almost impossible for Xenovia to lie to herself forever. There comes a point where she's left kneeling on the ground, panting from exertion, and in that moment, Xenovia realizes just how aroused she is, just how wet she is between her thighs.

The blue-haired girl has had feelings like this before, but she's always held them back. She'd been… she'd been waiting for a man of God with strength and power in spades to give herself to, considering it her duty to make strong children for the Light, heirs to her duty as an exorcist of the Church. Only, she's found a man with strength and power in spades, but he's not of God… he's nowhere close to 'of God'.

Beside her, Irina falls to her knees as well, whimpering as her legs shake like jelly from just how pleasurable Issei's groping feels. Xenovia only has eyes for their opponent though, staring up at him with a dazed look as he smirks down at her. A moment later, Excalibur Destruction falls from nerveless fingers at the same time that Irina drops Excalibur Mimic.

The two half-naked girls are defeated, and they both know it. Not only are they defeated, they're humiliated… and neither has ever been more turned on by the fact, as they kneel there, awaiting Issei's words.

"If you're giving up, I'd like you to apologize to Asia now."

Both exorcists tense, as if just remembering why they'd been fighting this duel in the first place. Together, Irina and Xenovia look to Asia. The young woman has a serene smile on her face that also manages to radiate smugness and superiority, even as she gazes down at them. Xenovia has no idea what Irina is thinking in this moment, but a fresh rush of shameful pleasure washes through the blue-haired exorcist as Asia looks at her like she's less than nothing.

Letting out a shuddering breath, Xenovia is the first to speak.

"I… apologize, Asia Argento. My words were… needlessly cruel."

Asia just nods, still smiling, and then looks to Irina.

"… Sorry."

Xenovia is a bit surprised. Normally, she's the wordier one. Then, abruptly, Irina is on her feet, Excalibur Mimic back in hand as she practically flees the field, a bright red blush on her face. Xenovia watches her go for a moment, before finally realizing that her partner is embarrassed by her lack of clothing. To be fair, Xenovia is humiliated as well, but not all that embarrassed. She's more ashamed in herself and in her body's reactions to Issei's perversions, than anything else.

Slowly, the blue-haired young woman stands, preparing to leave at a far more sedate pace. Before she can though, Issei is in front of her. The transformation is gone, and Issei Hyoudou stares at her with a wicked smile.

"You want more, don't you?"

Xenovia tenses up, her eyes going wide, and her pupils dilating with need. She… she didn't. Of course not. That was… that was ridiculous. Xenovia opens her mouth to tell him so, but no words come out as she stands there, completely at a loss. Issei's smile turns into another grin as he nods knowingly.

"If you do want more, if you yearn for the satisfaction that only I can give you… come back here later this evening, and I just might be merciful."

A shudder runs down Xenovia's spine. She's not that weak, surely she isn't. Is she? For the first time in her life, the young woman feels like a young woman instead of the exorcist she is. Biting her lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood, Xenovia averts her gaze from Issei's, and then begins to walk away at a rather fast pace. Not quite as fast as Irina, but she was afraid if she moved any slower, she'd end up orgasming right then and there in front of all of them. With her pussy leaking and her legs like jelly as she feels a sort of ghostly after effect in the form of his fingers on her tits, Xenovia makes her way back towards home base as carefully as she can, trying to avoid being seen by anyone in her current state.

She doesn't… she doesn't know what to do. Of course, Xenovia's subconscious mind has already made the decision for her. After all, unlike Irina, Xenovia had not 'remembered' to pick up Excalibur Destruction before departing from the Academy. In the end, she'd forced herself to return in the evening for that, if nothing else… but deep down inside, Xenovia knew that what she truly wanted was a lot more than a single holy sword, even one of the fragments of Excalibur.

She was going back. She was going to get her… satisfaction.