Sudden change of life [Part-5]

After finishing the conversation with Alora's granny, Merry immediately contacted Johnathan and started the paper works and all the necessary procedures for Alora's leaving for Japan.

While Merry was busy with legal processors Alora's granny was preparing for her leaving for Italy and ensuring more security for Alora.

Meanwhile, Alora was doing the daily task of her life as she used to do. Because it was her granny's instruction to keep her leaving for Japan as a secret from everyone.

At that moment all Alora knew was the decision to move to Japan was going to bring a huge change in her life. And she was trying to capture and enjoy every moment that she spent with her friends and beloved one in Britain. Because after moving to Japan all she could do was to miss them.

But still, she was so excited about her moving to Japan as she had a few friends who are mainly from Japan. And she had heard a lot of interesting stories about Japan from them. After knowing about Japan she always wanted to have a holiday trip there with her granny. And this time she was going there not for a vacation but living and she didn't even know for how long she was going to live there.

All she knew that her journey to Japan was going to be a new beginning of her life and it was also going to open some new chapters while closing some old chapters in her life. But she knew those new chapters of her life would be full of adventures and emotions that she would have to face while handling them and maybe some of them could be some challenges or situations that she hadn't faced yet in Britain.

Because of the sudden change of the Jones family, not only Alora's granny wouldn't be able to celebrate Alora's birthday as she planned to surprise her along with her friends and family but also all of sudden Alora got to move out to a new family, a new home, a new place, and a totally new country while her granny was leaving to Italy.

A new country, a new language, a new culture, new people along with new adventures as well as challenges were waiting for her and somehow Alora was ready to accept all of them and find happiness in them too. But still, she was a little sad to depart from her family, her friends, her lifestyle and the people she knew in Britain as she was going to miss them.

Within a few days, all the paper works for Alora's leaving for Japan with Merry and Her granny's leaving to Italy were done. Then Alora's granny appointed her some trustworthy people along with Butler Clark to handle and maintain the properties of the Jones family in Britain for the period she was going to be absent. Alora's uncle, Martin Jones also sent some people to help her granny to arrange the thing there in Britain so that she could handle them from Italy until she would return to Britain.

Meanwhile, with granny's permission, Alora took the farewell from her close and trustworthy friends and classmates along with teachers at her school. She could easily tell that they were going to miss her like the way she was about to by looking at them. Because it was visible on their faces.