Sudden change of life [Part-4]

"Alora, I called you here to ask your opinion on an important decision about u which were taken by both me and your aunt Merry. Even your uncle Martin and your parents don't have any objection about it.", said granny while taking a sit.

Alora was a little confused and said in a confused voice, "Granny, if you all think that the decision is good for me, then I don't have any objection with it. So, why all of sudden you are asking for my opinions. The decisions taken by all of you are the best for me. So, I trust you."

"But Alora, my dear, this decision of ours is going to bring a huge change to your life.", said granny.

After hearing granny's voice Alora was more confused and couldn't find words to speak and she looked at her granny and aunt in helpless eyes and she could see that the situation was more serious than what she used to think.

And finally, Alora said, "Granny and Mama, what's going on??? What is the decision that you all took for me??? Why a decision going to bring a huge change in my life???"

"Alora, I know you are confused now and have a lot to ask. Don't worry, dear. As always we won't force our decision on you. You are free to make your own decision.", said Merry in a gentle voice.

"Merry is right, Alora. We won't force our decision on you. You can choose what you want to. Like your parents I know you are also a wise and independent person at such a young age.", said granny.

"I trust you all, granny. Don't worry. I will choose the right thing to do in this situation.", said Alora.

"I know that dear. So, let's come to the point. Alora I want you to be with your aunt when I am absent… but….", granny said. But before granny completed her words Alora said in joy, "Wow… granny, are you serious??? I don't have any problem to live with mama."

"No, Alora it's not like what you think…" granny interrupted Alora again making her confused.

"Then what is it, granny???", Alora asked in a surprising voice.

"Alora, your aunt is moving to Japan with your uncle Johnathan in next week. And if u like you can go with them to Japan…" said granny in suggestive voice.

Meanwhile, Alora said in a surprised voice, "What??? Japan!!!"

"Yes, dear. You can stay with us in Japan until your granny sorted the business with your grandpa. You don't have to worry about anything. We will take care of you properly. There won't any problem with that.", said Merry in a gentle voice while holding Alora's hands.

"Of course, Alora. After all, there is no possibility to take you with me to Italy as well as I can't let you be all alone by yourself here. Because it's not safe for you, and if you accompany your aunt to Japan, then I don't have to worry about you and you will be safe there too. As for the situation, I don't know how much time it will take to handle the situation there and how long it will take for me to return…." Before granny completed her words, Alora said with eyes full of tears, "But granny, how can I be without you for so long???"

While Merry was consoling Alora granny added, "It's true my dear that I don't know when I will be able to return… Maybe… It will take a week or a month or a year… Maybe more than a year and for a long time like this, I can't leave you here all alone without anyone and if you accompany your aunt, I will able to be in little relief that you are safe with her. I know in japan everything will be different for you than here in Britain, and it will be a little hard for you to accept the sudden change of your life. But I still want you to consider our decision."

"If you all think that this is the best choice for me, then I don't mind accepting it but I have a condition….", Alora said in a cracked voice while looking towards her granny and aunt.

"What is that???", both Merry and granny exclaimed.

"Granny, it's not a condition… it's more like a promise… You just have to promise me that no matter what and no matter how much busy you are but still you are going to contact me every day if it is possible for you and when you have time you are going to come and visit me…", Alora said while hugging her granny.

"Ok, my dear. I promise you… I will do everything like the way you want and you just have to stay happy and safe no matter what.", granny said while hugging Alora and few drops of tears fell from granny's eyes.

After hearing granny's words Alora obediently nodded her head accepting what granny said while wiping the tears of granny's eyes. Then Alora was sent to her room to rest by her granny as it was already midnight and Alora still had to attend to the school the next day and still, Merry and granny were discussing the topic of Alora's leaving to Japan.

"Merry, you have to promise me that you and Johnathan will take great care of Alora well no matter what all of you have to do. You all know that I have raised Alora like a lovely flower and have always treated her as a delicate flower. You guys just have to assure me that any of your actions won't hurt the delicateness of my flower because she won't be able to take it.", granny said in a serious voice as if she was ordering to Merry.

"I promise you, mom. No matter what, we won't let Alora be hurt. If we have to give our lives to keep her safe, then we will. Don't worry, mom. Rest assure to us", Merry said while holding granny's hands in an obedient and promising voice.