Sudden change of life [Part-3]

"Ok, then mama and granny, I am so sorry... I have got to go now. Because now it's my time to study and I have got to do so much homework today. But still, I wanted to spend some time with both of you", Alora said while watching her wristwatch in a sad voice.

"It's ok, my dear. I am planning to stay with you two for a few days. So, don't worry. Go and complete your studies fast so that we can spend more time together.", said Merry cheerfully.

"Wow... Really... Then it's going to be so much fun. Ok, then I will complete my studies as fast as possible.", Alora said while jumping around happily.

"My dear, Don't stress out yourself too much. I and your mama will wait for you to have fun. Then see you after completing your studies.", said granny happily.

"Thank you so much, granny. Then see you around, Mama. See you, Granny.", said Alora happily while hugging Merry and granny before leaving.

While Alora was leaving from there, granny and Merry continued their talking and when Alora was taking the stairs to her room on the second-floor by watching Alora from behind granny said to Merry in a sad voice, "Poor kid… See how happy she is now!!! I always want to see her happy smiling like the ray of sunshine and I don't want to see her sad at all. But I don't know what should I do to her before leaving??? After her parents left her with me, I have never separated her from me no matter what. But this time I am going to go for a long time but I still can't take her with me….".

Before finishing her words, she busted into tears. "Mom, don't worry. She will be fine. Actually, after talking with Martin, I got one solution for us to keep Alora safe. You know mom, I can accompany her. I will keep Alora with me then you don't have to worry about her.", said Merry while comforting her mom.

"Really??? Are you sure about this??? Will u be able to take care of Alora??? Then I don't have to worry about her at all.", said granny by looking at Merry with hopeful eyes.

"But mom….", Merry hesitantly said, "Actually I am planning to take Alora to another county with me and Johnathan…."

"What another country??? Why not here???", said granny in exclaiming voice.

"Mom, Actually I am moving with Johnathan to Japan for our business. So, I am willing to take Alora with me there. Even Martin also said that it is the right decision for Alora's safety as none will know her identity there and so there won't be any danger for her. And she will grow up there as our daughter.", said Merry.

After hearing Merry's word granny was a little relieved but still didn't agree to her proposal and said, "Do Johnathan know about this??? Does he agree on this decision??? Do you think that leaving the country is the only decision left for Alora for her safety???"

"As for Johnathan he will never disagree with my decision and you know that from the beginning to now we both want to take Alora in as our daughter. So, there is no way that Johnathan will dislike to take Alora with us to Japan. And as for her safety, if she goes with us, she will be safer than staying here alone. And in Japan, none will recognize Alora's real identity as Jones Group of Industry's one and only heir. So, there won't be anyone to hurt her. In this way she can be safe till she reaches her right age to take over our business.", said Merry in a confident voice.

And by hearing Merry's expiation granny was more relieved than before and said, "Ok then, if you are so much confident about this decision, I don't have any problem with it. Because all in all I want Alora's safety. So, now that I don't have any objection with it we will start the paper works to take Alora with you to Japan once we ask Alora that if she has anything to say about this after tonight dinner."

After hearing granny's approval for her proposal Merry was happy and said while hugging Alora's granny, "Thank you so much, mom. Thank you for trusting me. Don't worry. I will never disappoint you. I will take the best care of Alora."

Such a sudden change was about to happen in Alora's life yet she didn't know about it at all and she was busy with her study in her room while preparing upcoming study plans in her school. Even though Alora was the daughter of one of the richest families in Britain many people didn't recognize her real identity as it was hidden from most of the people because there were several people to harm her because of her identity.

After completing her studies in a few hours, Alora came down to the first floor to spend some good quality time with Merry and her granny. After Alora's returning from finishing her studies, three of them spent a lovely time together. But still, both Merry and granny weren't sure about how to break the news of Alora's moving to another country with Merry till the situation would come back to normal to Alora and what her reaction was going be about it. So, they patiently waited for dinner time finishing so that they could ask about Alora's opinion of their decision.

Then finally, it was night already and after enjoying the dinner together Alora's granny invited her and Merry to the study room to discuss something important. Both of them saw granny was looking at the sky from the huge window of her study while waiting for them and she was looking a little absent-minded. Both Alora and Merry said together before entering the study room, "May we come in???"

Granny looked at the door of the study room and said to them, "of course, come in and take a sit before we start our conversation."