Sudden change of life [Part-2]

Meanwhile, Merry could feel the tension in the air and asked the granny about what was going on there as she could feel that something was bothering both Alora and her granny. At first granny didn't want to bother Merry by sharing the stressful situation. But as Merry was pressurizing her more, at last granny shared her issue with her and after hearing the whole incident she called her brother Martin to know about the situations at present.

"Hello… Sister Merry, you finally remember about me after a long time…" said Martin in a teasing voice.

Then Merry said, "Martin, don't be silly… There is nothing like that, I always miss you all a lot. But you know that all the members of our family have everything except the time. By the way, how is the situation there now??? I heard from mom that dad is not doing well."

By hearing her, he said, "Actually sis…. dad's condition is not too good. And with dad's this condition I can't handle both office work and hospital at once and dad badly wants to meet mom and if she comes here by the next week it will be a great help for us as she can be with dad all the time."

By hearing about her father's condition Merry was little disturbed but still, Alora's safety was also important to her so she added, "What about Alora??? Can't mom take her with her??? I mean, she is still a little girl… How can she be all alone here by herself???

"There are no possibilities for Alora to come with mom… As you know Alora's paperwork for here will take much more than a week and we don't have that much time. And also about mom… After coming here, we don't know how much time will it take for her to return…. If it happens, it will affect Alora's study", Martin said in a tensed voice.

After hearing him Merry again said, "What should we do now??? After all, we can't let Alora be alone here. There must be a way out to solve this issue."

"I am sorry, sis… There is no chance for her to bring Alora here. If there were any single chance, then I wouldn't have let it go. As you know that I didn't get married to support dad in his business and I don't have any child of my own to care for. But after Alora was born, I have always treated her as my child and I love her a lot even though I didn't get much time to spend with her. And if I could bring her here, I could take care of her properly. So, I tried every possibility but still, there are no possibilities at all. Indeed, there are still things which can't be bought by money….", said Martin sadly.

Then Merry tried to console him and said, "Don't worry, Martin. We still can find a way to get out of this situation."

"But sis, I am now worried about her safety because after all Alora is the only heir of our business and there are so many people trying to harm her… And now if they find out mom's moving to here, then they will target her by knowing that she is there alone without mom. So, we can't risk her life.", said Martin in a worried voice.

"I know it. That's why I don't want her to be here all alone.", said Merry in a concerned voice.

"By the way sis, I have a good proposal for you. if you like it, then u can accept it.", said Martin.

"Of course, Martin. Why not??? Anything for Alora…", said Merry in a happy voice.

"Why don't you move with Alora to mom's house until mom returns from here??? After all, Alora already calls you mama and you also treated her as a mother. It will be good for both of you and Alora will also be comfortable with you than any other.", said Martin.

"It's a good idea and I don't have any issue with that. but…", Merry said while sounding happy as well as worrying.

"But what, sis??? Is there anything wrong that you are sounding little distracted???," said Martin.

"No… We are moving out of Britain to Japan next week because of business. Didn't I tell you last time???, said Merry while adding, "I can't stay with her here. But if mom agrees, I can take her with me and even Johnathan won't have any problem with it."

"Sorry, sis… because of busyness I completely forgot about it. But still, if you can take her with you, it will be good for everyone. Because in Japan none will know about Alora's identity so she can be safe with both of you there. So, please try your best to convince mom. If she didn't agree, then let me know. Then I will try to arrange more security for Alora there.", said Martin.

"Mr. Jones, we need you here….", Meanwhile Merry could hear someone calling Martin on the other side of her call line.

By hearing the voice, she could understand that Martin was busy with work and was hanging his work to talk with her. So, she said, "Ok then Martin, I will hang up now. And I will talk with you later after convincing mom. Continue with your work. Take care of yourself and dad too.", said Merry.

"You too, sis… And also take care of both Alora and mom too. If u can, convince mom and let me know it too. Bye…", Martin said while hanging up the call.

After finishing her conversation with Martin on the phone call, Merry went to the drawing-room again and saw Alora was back from changing her dress and was sitting with granny. Although both of them were seemed to be calm, Merry could realize more about their stress more after her phone call with Martin. Still, she decided to herself that no matter what she wasn't going to let the stressful situation last long and anyhow she had to pacify Alora's granny to take Alora with her to Japan. So, she calmly sat with them and three of them had great family time together. After having some chit chat with granny and her aunt while having some snacks she went to complete her homework and to study her daily lessons.