Sudden change of life [Part-1]

*7 years ago

"Alora's 15th birthday is near, there are only one and a half months left for her birthday. And this time I have planned a great surprise for her by inviting a full family to get together for her birthday.", said Alora's granny, Mariam Mathew Jones happily to her assistant and butler.

"Assistant Jessy and Butler Clark, make sure there won't be any lack or mistakes at all because this time every member of our family is going to gather on her birthday for the first time. So, she is going to be so happy when she will get to know about it. This is the first time since her birth she is having a family get together on her birthday even though It's not the first time she is celebrating her birthday grandly. So, I don't want to see any mistakes…", added Alora's granny again.

Butler Clark and Assistant Jessy nodded immediately to Elder Mrs. Jones obediently while accepting to accomplish the task given by her perfectly. "It's almost time for Alora to return from school, Butler Clark, say maidservants to prepare her favorite snacks for her and don't let her know about the preparations for her birthday till the special day and....", said granny. But before completing her word she was interrupted by the knocks on the door made by a maidservant who was carrying the phone for her.

She took the phone from the maidservant and picked up the call. But after completing the phone call she sat down motionlessly on the chair by dropping the phone to the ground mistakenly while looking into the dash. Looking at her Assistant Jessy and Butler Clark rushed to her by asking, "Ma'am, are you alright??? What's wronged??? Should we call the doctor???"

"No, there is no need to call anyone… It was a call from Martin by saying that Edward's health is not favorable and I have to go to Italy by next week and have to stay there until the situation there will be stable. But I can't take Alora with me there…. If I leave, what should I do to Alora??? Where should I leave her??? I can't leave her all alone here… You two can leave and make sure that Alora doesn't come to know about this before we find a way to solve this issue. And also stop the preparation for her birthday for a while….", said granny in a disappointed and sad voice.

After hearing Alora's granny's word both Assistant Jessy and Butler Clark also became upset for Alora and was worried about Elder Mr. Jones and went to do their works as Elder Mrs. Jones's instructions. Suddenly everything was changed within seconds because of a phone call made by Alora's uncle, Martin Jones from Italy saying that her grandpa was so sick and wanted to see her granny. And immediately in a week, she had to be in Italy. Her granny was so confused to choose what to do at that moment. Because of the lack of time, she couldn't take Alora with her to Italy and she didn't want her to stay alone in Britain with caretakers and maidservants. Alora was grown up with her granny's care and love as well as all the maidservants along with Assistant Jessy and Butler Clark. So, Alora was the apple of everyone's eyes including her family and others around her. So, the sudden change in her life was going to make everyone upset.

At that very moment, Alora came home from the school and the first thing she did was running to the study room where her granny was sorting some paper works and then she hugged her granny from the back and said with an excited voice, "Granny, did you miss me when I wasn't around??? You look so gloomy. Don't worry. I have some interesting news that can make you happy in a second. I know you are going to be so happy after hearing that you are going to dance around."

Looking at Alora's sunshine like the smile on her face her granny calmed down for a while and with a gentle smile she said to her, "My dear little princess, by looking at your smile I can say that indeed your interesting news is going to make me happy."

By hearing granny's words Alora was happier and said, "Granny, I could achieve the first place in the high school national science competition on the behalf of our school by defeating all the other schools and also have been elected as a class monitor for once more this time as always and there will be a function at school especially for celebrating the electing of class monitors and to celebrate the great achievement of our school from the national science competition next week. I am so happy… But this is not the only reason for my happiness… Our school is planning to invite you as a chief guest to our function as you are the top investor of our school and also planning to give me the award of the top achiever of national science competition by your hands. Isn't it a piece of great news??? We two will go together and have fun."

After hearing what she said granny became a little absent-minded and started to think about how to break the news of her grandpa's illness and her sudden leaving to Italy to Alora. Looking at granny's worried face she sat on her knees by kneeling down and then by holding granny's hands she said while looking at granny with confused eyes, "What's up, Beautiful??? Why are you wearing a long face??? You know that I don't like to see you like this. Now, tell me all of sudden what makes you upset???"

Alora has been with her granny ever since her birth but this is the first time she saw her being this much upset. By seeing granny's condition, she was worried as well as scared because granny is the only family member to live with her.

By looking at Alora's happy face her granny didn't want to disappoint her by disclosing the present situation to her. But still granny decided to tell her and meanwhile Alora was holding granny's right hand by looking at granny with expecting eyes and was eager to hear granny's issue and then granny touched her face gently with her left hand and said, "Alora… Dear, please don't be upset after hearing what I am going to say... Maybe neither of us will be able to attend your school function."

By hearing it Alora was a little shocked but not upset at all because she knew that her granny wouldn't make such a decision without thinking twice. Then granny added, "Actually your grandpa has fallen sick there in Italy and he wants to see me. So, I might have to fly to Italy next week to meet him, that's why I won't be able to go to that function. And about you, Alora... "

Then granny hesitantly added, "Actually I won't be able to take you with me… but I still don't want you to stay here alone… I am so confused... Alora, I don't know what to do... My dear, this time may be your granny won't be able to fulfill her duties towards you…."

After granny finished talking, the room became so silent for a few minutes and sorrows of departing from each other were visible on their faces. Then Alora put her head on her granny's lap and by hugging her she said, "Don't worry granny… we can still find out a way for me to go with you… if still, we fail, then I will be waiting for your returning here like a good girl. So, don't think too much about me. Grandpa is the one who wants you the most now. So, you have to go to him. I love you so much, granny" Even though her voice was little shaky while saying these words because she was holding her tears hardly in her eyes. And then she looked at granny with a hopeful lovely smile which was enough to ease granny's tension a little.

Then they hugged each other like they were trying to console each other while this moment of them was interrupted by someone's familiar voice. "I am so sorry… seems like… I interrupted both granny and granddaughter at the wrong time. What to do, I was missing you two a lot. So, I came to meet both of you as soon as I got time."

By hearing the voice, they looked at the door of the study and saw a middle-aged lady was standing in front of the door and it was none other than Alora's aunt Merry Jones Whitlock. She is the only sister of her father and was married to Johnathan Whitlock who is also a renowned businessman and a business partner of her grandpa. she loves Alora like her daughter and Alora also addressed her as Mama. Merry Jones is a lovely woman with a kind heart and also she loves the kids a lot. But it's such an unfortunate that she doesn't have a child of her own as she can't be a mother because of having three miscarriages due to some serious accidents. But whenever she meets Alora she never feels the lack of her child because she takes her as her daughter.

After seeing her aunt both of them were so happy that they forget about their current frustrating situation for a while. Then three of them went outside of the study room and took seats in their drawing room while maidservants were busy to serve them. After spending some time with them Alora went to get fresh because she didn't get the opportunity to change after coming from school.