The dream that can never come true

"Alora, I love you so much... Don't leave me... Always stay by my side... My one and only Alma..."

"Adrian, I will never leave you... I will always be there with you by your side as your Alma... I love you, Adrian... I love you so much..."

Adrian slowly placed a soft kiss on Alora's forehead gently by pulling Alora into his embrace. Then they kissed each other passionately by sealing their lips together while hugging each other more tightly. It was unhurried. It was a sensuous joining of their body and soul. Alora could feel Adrian's soft lips which were touching hers gently while Adrian was biting Alora's sweet red pinkish lips gently and slowly so that he wouldn't hurt Alora. Then Adrian slowly placed his tongue inside Alora's mouth while Alora was letting him do as he pleased and they were playing with their tongues inside Alora's mouth until it made her breathless. Alora could feel Adrian's minty breath which made her heart rose like a racing horse and Adrian could feel Alora's heart beating which made him want her more.

Adrian released her from his passionate kiss while wrapping Alora into a warm and tight hug by placing a sweet kiss on her cheek and his gentle voice touched her ears softly filling her surroundings with his voice when he said, "Alora, I will never leave u..."

A few drops of tears started to roll from Alora's cheeks making her heart aching like someone just pierced her heart with a knife. She was in so much pain. It was such kind of pain that couldn't be cured as there was no cure for it. At that time she felt as if she could be with him for some more time and she could enjoy the moment forever with him if she could stop the time there but in reality, she couldn't because the time had already passed over. Yet she couldn't do anything to keep him with her.

"Alora... Alora... Hey Alora... Wake up...", she could hear someone was taking her name frequently from distance.

"Alora... Everyone is waiting for you... Alora... Wake up... Why are you crying??? Don't tell me that you are again dreaming about that jerk... Alora...", this time she could realize that it was none other than her best friend Annie's voice.

"Hmmm... Hold on a second... I am already up... Don't scream...", Alora sat by rubbing her eyes while saying in a sad voice. After wiping her tears she looked at her friend and she saw that Annie was holding one side of her blanket as she was trying to wake up Alora by pulling her blanket out. And also she was looking at Alora with suspicious eyes as she saw Alora was crying in her sleep. After trying to guess Alora's reason for crying for sometimes Annie sat down next to her on Alora's bed.

"What happened, darling??? Did you again dreamt about him???", said Annie holding Alora's hands.

"Alas!!! it was just a dream... I thought it was real..", said Alora putting her hands on her forehead while more few drops of tears were rolling down from her eyes wetting her cheeks and that time she completely forgot about Annie's presence in front of her.

"Alora, it has been serval years that jerk left you. Darling, there is no chance for him to come back now. You know that welly, right???", said Annie while trying to console Alora.

"Yup, I know... But what to do??? I can't get rid of his memories... No matter how hard I tried....", said Alora in a cracked voice.

"Just leave it... See you at the breakfast table. And I am sorry to make you worry. Don't worry. I am totally fine...", said Alora while rushing to get fresh so that she could avoid Annie's word.

In reality, she didn't want anyone to see her in that messy situation and emotional breakdown of her. And also somewhere in her heart, she wasn't ready to accept the truth that he wouldn't be back to her ever again.

"Ok then, see you there...", said Annie while getting up from Alora's bed to leave her room.

"I know, Alora... You are still not ready to face the reality of that jerk. I hope you can recover fast from your bad past soon to be the old Alora of ours.", said Annie to herself while leaving Alora's room.

Alora couldn't help but still was thinking about the past while getting fresh too.

Then after a few minutes of completing her getting fresh Alora got ready by wearing a beautiful white dress which was making her looked like a fairy.

Then she came downstairs and saw that everyone was waiting for her at the breakfast table.

"Good morning, everyone. So sorry... I think that I kept you all waiting for too long for me...", said Alora happily.

"No, dear, not at all", said Merry happily while Johnathan was smiling gently to agree with her.

"Thank you, mama and papa... Good morning, granny. Hi, uncle Martin and Annie...", Alora said by hugging and placing kisses on her granny's cheeks while waving her hands towards her uncle and best friend.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Take the seat next to me.", said granny while petting Alora's head with one hand and holding her wrapped hands around her with another hand.

"Hello, Alora. Come and join us fast, dear.", said her uncle, Martin in a gentle voice.

"I don't have the patience anymore, Alora as I am so hungry and I was waiting for you to grab something to eat.", said Annie in a teasing voice.

"Ok... ok... foodie, I am coming.", said Alora happily while teasing Annie back.

Alora took the seat next to her granny and Annie was sitting beside Alora. And Martin was sitting with both Merry and Johnathan on the opposite of Alora and Annie while Granny was sitting on the only chair of the front side of the dining table as the head of the family.

Everyone happily enjoyed their breakfast while having great family time. After having breakfast, everyone got busy with their works while Alora and Annie decided to have a walk in the garden of 'The Jones Mansion'.

"What are you thinking???", said Annie while trying to guess what was running in Alora's mind by seeing her wearing a sad face.

"Nothing at all... Don't worry. I am totally fine...", said Alora wearing a fake smile by looking at Annie.

"No... You are not.", said Annie by looking at Alora as the sadness was visible in Alora's eyes even though she was smiling.

"I... Yes, I am... I am fine.", said Alora again with a little hesitation in her voice.

"Alora, you better stop lying. Look at yourself. It's visible in your eyes. No matter how hard you try to smile you just can't hide it from me.", said Annie while pulling Alora's hand to stop her walking away to avoid Annie's words.

"I am not lying. You are just imaging things in your mind. That's it.", said Alora while trying to avoid eye contact with Annie.

"Alora, Just forget the past and try to move on...", said Annie while holding Alora's hands.

"How can I??? I still remember the day which all these started to happen... Which changed my life up and down...", said Alora while pulling her hands out of Annie's hold.

"I know that it's hard for you to forget them all but still just give a try to let it go.", said Annie while trying to console Alora by hugging her.

"I can't let it go... I just can't...", Alora broke into tears while hugging Annie.

"But why???", said Annie while petting Alora's head slowly in a gentle voice.

"Because it's not that easy as you say. After all, you don't know what happened after you left Britain that year.....", said Alora while releasing herself from Annie's hug.

"Yes... True that I don't know anything that happened that year as I only could hear that you moved out of Britain. Nothing else then like where you moved, where were you, how were you... I couldn't get any of this information. And when finally I met you after a few years later you were like this... Completly changed...", said Annie in a depressed voice.

"Don't worry, Annie... I will tell you everything that happened to me that caused me to change like this some other day.", said Alora while wiping her tears.

"No... I want to hear now not any other day. So, please Alora...", said Annie while shaking both Alora's hands.

"Ok then, take a seat. Don't you want to hear what happened several years ago??? Then let me tell you.", said Alora to Annie by taking a seat on the swing chair of the garden.

After Annie took the seat beside to Alora by holding Alora's hands curiously. Alora started to narrate the incidents that happened with her on the flashback of 7 years to Annie.