Childhood enemies or Loving cousins [Part-1]

It took half an hour for them to reach 'The Ito Mansion'. Selina stood with Reo after getting out of the car for Merry and Alora while Evan was busy with helping the servants to carry the luggage and take them inside. Meanwhile, Alora was sleeping soundly.

"Alora, my baby, wake up my dear... Alora, baby...", Merry tried to wake up sleeping Alora.

"Hmm... Hmmm... I...", Alora was telling in a sleepy voice.

"Oh... Poor kid... I think Merry she is so tired after the long journey. Maybe that's why she falls asleep.", said Selina in a soft voice.

"Selina, our Alora is sleeping soundly... I am not feeling like to wake her up. She was so upset about the whole journey.", Merry said while fondling Alora affectionally.

"Reo, where is Evan???", said Selina while looking around.

"Evan was here a few minutes ago... He was helping the servants with the luggage.", said Reo while looking around for Evan.

"Evan... Evan... Big boy... Where are you???", Selina called for Evan.

"Yes, Mom... What happen???", Evan said while rushing to the place where their car was parking.

"Where were you, Evan??? How many times did I call you??? (cough... cough...) See your mom's pretty throat was about to crack...", said Selina while throwing tantrums.

"Oh... Mom... Don't stress out. I was just handling the Aunt Merry and Alora's luggage with the servants.", said Evan obediently.

"Oh... My baby boy has grown up. So, now help mom with something.", said Merry cheerfully.

"Ok, mom. Just say, I will do what you want.", said Evan obediently.

"Ok then. Evan, help aunt Merry by carrying Alora to her room. The kid is sleeping so peacefully. I don't want to break her sleep by waking her up.", said Selina cheerfully while petting Evan's shoulder.

"Wow, darling. What a good idea. Evan, go and help Aunt Merry and carry Alora to her room.", said Reo while smiling.

"But Selina and Reo won't it be troublesome for our baby boy Evan???", said Merry with a confused voice.

"No, no... Merry. Our baby Evan is now a big and strong boy. See how tall is our baby.", said both Selina and Reo cheerfully while holding their hands like love birds.

By hearing them, Merry also agreed to them while smiling cheerfully. Meanwhile, Evan was shocked as well as surprised by hearing his parents about carrying Alora.

"Well mom, dad....", Evan was about to say something while he was interrupted by Merry saying, "Dear Evan, ok then... Help me to take Alora to her room. I don't want to wake her up too."

After hearing Merry's gentle voice Evan was not left with any choice but to carry Alora.

While Evan was going to carry her, Alora suddenly started to rub her eyes with her hands like a baby. And then she slowly opened her eyes while calling Merry, " Mama..."

"Alora, My dear, you woke up finally. Are you alright???," said Merry gently.

Alora woke up and saw that she was sleeping on Merry's lap and Merry was gently petting her head. And Evan was standing near them while Selina and Reo were smiling by standing near the car. Alora couldn't understand what was going on there. Because before she fell asleep, she was sitting with Evan on the back seats while Selina and Merry were sitting together on the front seats of them. She was so confused about how she fell asleep on Merry's lap as she was sitting ahead of her.

By seeing Alora's confused face, Merry said to Alora with a smile, "My dear, I think you are confused. Right???"

Alora obediently nodded her head as a yes while Evan quietly went and stood next to his parents.

"You fell asleep because of the tiredness by putting your head on the window of the car. So, when Evan saw you sleeping like that, he immediately called me and Selina and showed you....", Merry said gently.

"Yes Alora, Merry is right. Evan was telling that if you slept on the window for a long time it would hurt your head as well as your neck. So, he came to sit with me and let Merry sat with you so that you could sleep peacefully by placing your head on her lap.", said Selina cheerfully.

"Our baby boy is caring about Alora a lot", said Reo happily.

Alora was looking at Evan with a confused glance while Evan was looking away to avoid the awkwardness.

Alora and Merry both got out of the car while Alora was thinking in her mind, "Is it real or an illusion of others??? Did I hear it wrong??? How can this demon Evan be so gentle to me??? This little devil is planning something in his mind."

"Alora, baby what are you thinking??? Come on. Let's go inside.", Selina said cheerfully.

At first, Selina and Reo walked inside to the mansion by holding hands while Evan was following them by behind. And then Merry and Alora entered behind Evan while holding each other. It was a nice view of a happy family gathering.

"Merry and Alora, Welcome to our home", Selina said happily while Reo and Evan were standing behind her smiling happily.

"Thank you so much...", said both Merry and Alora while hugging Selina.

"Selina, Make them introduce to the butler and the main maidservants so that if both of them want anything when you are not around it will be helpful for them.", said Reo.

"Oh... yeah... I completely forgot about it. I will do it right now.", said Selina.

"Mom, I am going to my room. See you later, Aunt Merry and Alora.", Evan said while heading towards the stairs case.

"OK my dear, go and have a rest. See you at lunchtime.", said Selina.

"Darling, I have some works in the study room. So, I will see you guys later. Alora and Merry, make sure to live here as your own house.", said Reo while leaving.

"See you at lunchtime too. Oh no... See how forgetful I am!!! Why are we all standing on the sofa without taking a seat on it... I am so sorry for making you stand for so long. Please take a seat, Merry. And Alora, my baby come and sit with me.", said Selina happily.

"Thank you, Selina. It's ok. After all, we are a family.", said Merry gently while taking the opposite couch of Selina to sit.

"Thank you, Aunt Sea. Don't stress out. We were enjoying to stand together with you and having happy family time.", said Alora happily while taking a seat next to Selina.

"Ow... My baby has grown up and become a mature young lady. Our baby Alora has got such a pretty smile. Don't you think so Merry???", Selina said while hugging Alora happily.

"I agree with you too, Selina. When she smiles, it feels like her smile looks like a ray of sunshine which can clear any darkness.", said Merry happily.

"God bless you, My baby. Always be happy.", said Selina while placing a gentle kiss on Alora's forehead.

"Indeed the little devil has grown up a lot. And she has also become a pretty young lady, mom. But let me see, is she still the little devil or the innocent bunny.", said Evan to himself while looking at them smiling from the corridor of the second floor by holding his phone with both hands resting his both elbows on the staircase holder.